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Fatale Media Fatale Media Newsletter May 2004
In This Issue: Miss Sharon Mitchell and the Porn Industry 
•   Miss Sharon Mitchell and the Porn Industry
•   Q&A: Ask Fanny
•   Sex Tips & Tricks: Making Love to a Pregnant Woman
•   What's New at Fatale
•   Free Gift-Wrapping, Personalized Gift Cards
•   Your Letters
Miss Sharon Mitchell and the Porn Industry
Dear Friend,

We've known the divine Miss Sharon Mitchell for nearly 20 years. As the costar of Suburban Dykes, she played the hot butch escort who comes to Nina Hartley and Pepper's suburban home to lead them into a wild threesome.

Sharon Mitchell is now the executive director and founder of AIM. The porn industry has been guided by Sharon's vision and foresight since 1998. Nearly all porn stars are regularly tested for HIV/AIDS.

So when it was discovered last month that two top porn stars, Darren James and Lara Roxx, were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, the porn industry agreed to shut itself down for two months, at considerable cost to itself. Now a third actress, who goes by the stage name of Jessica Dee, has been diagnosed positive with HIV.

The porn industry, more than most others, knows it is vulnerable, and we applaud the industry's decision to place the value of its stars' lives over its balance sheet.

As Sharon Mitchell wrote in her May 2 New York Times editorial, "Filmmakers believe that viewers prefer the 'reality' of unprotected sex. But the reality of unprotected sex is risk of H.I.V. infection." She is calling for a Seal of Approval to be granted to filmmakers who provide safe workplaces and healthcare policies.

Nan said in a statement, "Even independent pornographers such as Fatale are vulnerable to the spread of HIV/AIDS. We've known this since the advent of AIDS. It is part of the reason we made Safe Is Desire.

"Lesbians need to know they are not immune and that safe sex can be fun. Safe sex porn--where the stars wear condoms and use dental dams and wear gloves--can be sexy and well-produced, too. We urge all adventurous lovers to get tested, practice safe sex and support organizations that strive to eradicate HIV/AIDS."

You can read all the news about this important issue at Adult Video News.

Yours in good sex and love,

Nan &Christi

Check out Suburban Dykes, starring Miss Sharon Mitchell
Sex Tips & Tricks: Making Love to a Pregnant Woman
In May we celebrate Nan's birthday, but more of us celebrate Mother's Day, so we thought we'd ask our friend Karin Kallmaker, lesbian romance novelist extraordinaire and mother of two children, for some tips.

Karin's partner gave birth to both their children, so Karin has firsthand experience in making love with a pregnant woman. Here's her advice:

The secret of making love to a pregnant woman isn't that scintillating, since the keyword is LISTEN. Pregnant women turn off like a light switch if they feel anything untoward physically. A drug company just concluded that women get turned on in their head and there is no effective "Viagra" for women for just that reason. She wants to turn off, she does. Well, they could have asked the lesbians, huh, 'cause I think most of us knew that.

Pregnant women -- especially first-timers -- can find orgasmic contractions to be very scary, or painful if she is on her back. Add 10-15 pounds to the weight of the baby due to placenta, increased blood supply and water, then think of that resting on the base of your spine. Now add contractions that pull that weight even harder onto the multitude of nerves there. Many pregnant women find being upright is better, though throughout the pregnancy that may change.

Normal pregnancy discharges might be a turn-off for oral sex; finger play or vibrators might be more fun. Try different positions, listen, go slow, be patient, listen, because every woman is different and a pregnant woman is thinking and feeling for two. In general, a good rule is "ask before you touch."

After pregnancy you may find that some things have moved around. Think of the post-delivery return to intimacy as a chance to explore old and new sensations!

E-mail your tips and tricks to christi@fatalemedia.com. You could be published here!

Visit Karin at www.kallmaker.com.

Free Gift-Wrapping, Personalized Gift Cards
Remember, we offer free gift-wrapping, free personalized gift cards, and free shipping in the U.S. when you order 3 or more videos. Perfect gifts--and new gift packages--for birthdays, anniversaries, wedding celebrations and just for fun!

Just a reminder that Fatale ships worldwide--yes, even to Canada. Even to Japan.

Check out the specially priced Fatale gift packages!
Q&A: Ask Fanny
Many of you know g-spot expert Deborah Sundahl as Fanny Fatale. In "Ask Fanny," an exclusive column created just for this newsletter, she answers your questions about female ejaculation and the G-spot.

Plus, check out Deborah's all-new DVD, Female Ejaculation for Couples.


The other day I had the pleasure of spending the day with a well-known sexuality expert. As we strolled leisurely through the streets of Santa Fe, New Mexico, she told me she was not having success with ejaculating. Since I offer coaching sessions by telephone for women who are stuck in their process of awakening their g-spot and ejaculating, I offered my services to figure out what the problem was.

Because she knows her body well and her knowledge of sexuality is extensive, at first I was stumped as to what the problem could be. We drove over to her quiet room at a lovely retreat center and got down to business.

I demonstrated on myself how easy it can be to manipulate the g-spot and ejaculate--without an orgasm. After oohs and ahhs that the beautiful, spouting arc of ejaculation always inspires in people, it was time for a look-see at her g-spot.

She opened her labia for me to view. I could see her urethra and vagina and then saw her g-spot set rather far back in the vulva. Because of its placement, seeing the ridges of her g-spot would be harder to do, although not impossible.

Using a hand mirror, at last she was able to get a visual on where her g-spot was. Her smile told me she could now have the confidence in knowing for sure she had a g-spot and where it was located, so that now she could get down to the business of stimulating it and building ejaculate fluid.

I teach in my book, Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot, that stimulating the g-spot to create ejaculate is best done with a finger. Awakening the g-spot to its natural, ultra-sensitive state, however, is another matter.

Often women need a very hard dildo with a large lip in order to become accustomed to the g-spot's sensations. The first recognizable sensations are usually created with this sex toy and are felt at the tail of the g-spot--not at the head. The head circles the urethral opening and is felt just inside the vaginal opening. Follow its body (the ridges) about one to two inches into the vagina, until it feels like a "drop-off to a cliff." That is the tail portion of the g-spot.

In time, and sometimes this takes many months or years, the head of the g-spot will become so sensitive that even one finger and certainly the penis or a small dildo will be all the stimulation a woman needs to have a tremendous g-spot orgasm.

Again, practice and patience are the keys here as well to having a full, deep body, g-spot orgasm.

The moral of the story is: if you aren't sure where your g-spot is, don't despair. Even the most sexually knowledgeable aren't sure, and that's because this is new territory for just about every woman.



Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.

Read more about Fanny's new DVD, Female Ejaculation for Couples
What's New at Fatale
Turn Me Up Over and On is a Hit!
Smut magazine a hot little number out of Canada and on newsstands now, writes in a stellar review: "Turn Me Up Over and On is so hot, it sizzles....The story flows gently from one orgasm to the next, never pausing, relentlessly moving through a rhythm of sex, lust and, indeed, love....Ava and Luke are hot, they love their job as sex goddesses, and it shows."

On Our Backs has a knockout review in which Greta Christina writes: "It's a half-hour porno tape of two lesbians having themselves some lesbian sex. And it's grand! Beautiful, giddy, arousing....Bottom line: simple and superb."

Check out Turn Me Up Over and On now!
Your Letters

In each issue of Fatale News, we want to hear your ideas, opinions, comments.

Thank you all so much for your warm wishes for our 7th anniversary. We had a great time and look forward to many more.

And it's always a pleasure to get an e-mail like this one, which arrived last week:

"Well, I just wanted to say that this was my first time visiting your site and I enjoyed viewing the pics. I recently got married to my partner last March, and never saw online anyone who resembled us. My husband (stone butch) is the perfect lover--I wouldn't trade her for the world.

"She may get jealous of my new found thrill (LOL), but it only makes me appreciate her more in all her glory. She's 13 years older but still can put in the work after-hours. I wish we were the type to do a video, it would be great.

"I live in the Bay Area, I feel sort of lost now found in finding your website."

Keep those cards and letter and e-mails coming! Write to christi@fatalemedia.com, and please do put "Fatale" in the subject line.

Gay in MA?

Just a reminder, on May 17th, if all goes well, Massachusetts will go forward with legalizing marriage.

Until next time, we wish you dazzling hot sex!

Nan and Christi


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