Nan and Christis Favorite Places

These sites are some of our favorites; we hope youll find some new places you havent been before. Were always trying to add new links.

If you have a suggestion for a link, please e-mail Christi at christi@fatalemedia.com.
N O T E : Clicking a link will open a new browser window.

People Worth Getting to Know




Informative and Useful

Adult Web Law www.adultweblaw.com

Excellent site for legal issues pertaining to adult Web sites, including forms and links.

Femmerotic http://scarletletters.com/current/femmerotic.html

An interesting mix of sexuality links and resources

Gingerbeer www.gingerbeer.co.uk

Londons hottest site for lesbians and bi gals, at Gingerbeer you'll find club listings, theater and music reviews, sex advice from Dr. Els, a way cool message board, chat and lots more. If youre planning a trip to London, or want the inside scoop on Londons lesbian scene, this is the place to be.

GLAAD Online www.glaad.org

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

Grrl2Grrl www.grrl2grrl.com

A fun-filled “no male” site out of Australia. Don‘t miss Girls on Film and Books for Babes.

House O Chicks www.houseochicks.com

Between the beautiful and amazing Vulva Puppets (which you can purchase) and fun/educational Vulva University, this site offers a place to really learn, be inspired and chat about important sexual issues. Don't miss the Chalk Board at Vulva University, where Joseph Kramer has posted a review of Fatale's own Take Her Down!

Janes Guide www.janesguide.com

No question about it, if you want to know about porn - and get honest-to-goodness real reviews - this is the place to be. A must-bookmark.

Lesbian.com www.lesbian.com

The name says it all!

Lesbian Films www.lesbian-films.com

This is an R-rated site run by a gal who loves lesbian and bi movies. No porn here, but lots of classic dyke films.
Lesbotronic www.lesbotronic.com

Free personals for intelligent women seeking women. For lesbians and bisexual women only. This site is pretty cool--their database matching system should guarantee at least one good date!

Out Professionals www.outprofessionals.org

Good resource including job listings and e-mail newsletter for New York City queers in suits.

Privacy Rights Now www.privacyrightsnow.com

Nonprofit site organized by Ralph Nader and packed with info.

Real Lesbian Porn www.reallesbianporn.net

Our friend Geri has been working away at collecting a wide array of links to lesbian sites. It‘s worth a visit!
Sexuality.org www.sexuality.org

Good resource especially for the Pacific Northwest.

She-Wired www.shewired.com

News and gossip.

Strapon Lovers Guide www.straponloversguide.com

If you’re a fan of Bend Over Boyfriend, you’ll like this informative site dedicated to all things anal, especially women who like to do their guys. Lots of articles and excellent links to other sites and newsgroups.




Good Reading

Adult Video News www.avn.com

The trade magazine site for the adult entertainment industry.

Bust www.bust.com

A sassy print magazine and very cool Web site. Don't miss the Girl Wide Web,
and check out the lively conversation in the lounge.

Clean Sheets www.cleansheets.com

Literary erotica.

Cliterati www.cliterati.co.uk

What an amazing find. Follow the link to Lesbian and Bisexual to find readers stories, Cliterati advice, Sex Matters, Sex Hell and lots more. The polls are fun too.

The-Clitoris.com www.the-clitoris.com

Dedicated to womens health and sexual pleasure. Anatomy, anatomy!

Daze Reader www.dazereader.com

All links to sex-related articles from around the 'Net, including a Web Log, portal and XXX Guide. Love this site!

Erotica Readers (& Writers) Association www.erotica-readers.com

Dont miss the Smutters Lounge.

Good Dyke Porn www.gooddykeporn.com

Our friends up in Canada sure know it when they see it!

Mind Caviar www.mindcaviar.com

Cool site subtitled Food, Sex, Literature & Art. Great links, too.

Nerve www.nerve.com

Well-designed site, thought-provoking articles.

No Fauxxx www.nofauxxx.com

Good queer reading and fun at this membership site.

On Our Backs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Now only a Wikipedia entry, this is the magazine that started it all.

SexHerald.com www.sexherald.com

Jam-packed with good, solid reviews of adult videos, books, Web sites, you name it. These folks bill themselves as "The Adult Entertainment News Authority." Definitely worth checking out!

Tiny Nibbles www.tinynibbles.com

Violet Blues site dedicated to the orally fixated. Yum!



Fun Stuff to Buy
Note: These sites sell goodies from a variety of manufacturers.
See also People Worth Knowing for entrepreneurs who sell their own stuff.

Agent Provocateur www.agentprovocateur.com

A rather adventuresome showcase and store for original lingerie.

A Womans Touch www.a-womans-touch.com

This Madison, WI-based store posts dozens of informative Q&A articles on its
easy-to-navigate site. Look for sexual health topics from Dr. Myrtle. Aphrodite answers a wide range of sex questions, Communicating About Sex the best.

Blowfish www.blowfish.com

Intelligent product selection, reviews and catalogue organization.

Come As You Are www.comeasyouare.com

Toronto and Montreal sex shops cooperatively owned...with lots of goodies, and your choice of English or French language. Solid articles on how to buy porn, dildos, vibrators.

Good Vibrations www.goodvibes.com

Excellent print catalogue too. Get on their mailing list!

Lez Love Video www.lezlovevideo.com

Lezzies, lezzies everywhere! Wide selection for a variety of tastes.

LGB Tees www.lgbtees.com

Cute lesbian, gay and bi T-shirts in a wide variety of styles, caps and even buttons. Perfect for the queer who's got everything!

Over the Rainbow Shop www.overtherainbowshop.com

Ever wondered where all those rainbow car stickers and flags come from? This is the place for all your queer pride tchotchkes. Just ignore the annoying popups and find the reasonably priced goodies hidden inside this lesbian-owned-and-operated store.

Passion Online www.passiononline.co.uk

Run by women and online since 1999, this U.K.-based sex toy shop has a nice selection and even offers same-day service if you’re in London. They ship all worldwide, though, so don’t hesitate to take a peek at their sexy goodies!

Pleasure Me Now www.pleasuremenow.com

Woman-owned adult toy store, mostly for straight couples. A few interesting
articles and erotic short stories.

Scarlet Venus www.scarletvenus.com

Sex toy store, sex tips, polls and sex horoscopes. We love this site!

Steamy Windows www.steamywindows.co.uk

From this U.K.-based sex toy shop, you can find lots of goodies for sex-toy play. We like the backless nurse's uniform! They ship to the U.K. and Europe. Prices are reasonable.

Toys In Babeland www.babeland.com

Dont miss Salon Sexualis and the new How-to section. Cheers, Rachel & Claire!

Trinity Romance Shop www.trinityromance.com

When in British Columbia, this is the sex-positive place to go...or check out their online store.

Venus Envy www.venusenvy.ca

When in Halifax or Ottowa, visit their stores...or check em out online.

Vibrator 101 www.vibrator101.com

Vibrators, vibrators, vibrators! These folks are focused, that’s for sure. Plus, there are sections on how to use a vibrator, how to care for sex toys and a nice Q&A from “Dr. Vibe.”

Wolfe Video www.wolfevideo.com

Dedicated to gay and lesbian titles...no videos too racy here, but a great place to find classics like The Branden Teena Story.


