Fatale Media Newsletter August 2005 |
Dear Friend,
Many of you know Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano of S.I.R. Video. We’ve known them since Shar worked at On Our Backs.
Nan and Shar then produced Fatale’s best-selling Bend Over Boyfriend. Shar went on to form S.I.R. Video, producing Bend Over Boyfriend 2.
At S.I.R., Shar and Jackie have made some of the sexiest lesbian pornos out there. And for dirty talk, nobody does it quite like Shar.
So we are pleased to announce a new exclusive distribution arrangement with S.I.R. Video; Fatale is now handling all their adult tapes to retail stores and carrying the DVDs on the Fatale Web site.
You’re invited to check out these steamy titles, including:
Bend Over Boyfriend 2: More Rockin’ Less Talkin’
Sexilicious.com noted: “It’s rare that an ‘educational’ movie is able to straddle the line between information and hot sex, but BOB 2 does it.”
Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels - Double DVD. Heather Corinna (Scarlet Letters) wrote: “Both films have everything a girl (or a guy) could want: realistic dyke action, believable relationships, strap-ons, heel worship, sex in kitchens, bathtubs and on ladders, oral sex, anal sex, demanding divas, adorable butches and great tunes, to boot.”
Talk to Me Baby: A Lover’s Guide to Dirty Talk and Role Play
SMUT Magazine says, “Shar Rednour is, as always, the perfect hostess. She's her usual vampy, campy and out of control self. What I love about this video is that anyone can get something out of it.”
Pornorama indeed!
Nan & Christi
Many of you know g-spot expert Deborah Sundahl as Fanny Fatale. In “Ask Fanny,” an exclusive column created just for this newsletter, she answers your questions about female ejaculation and the G-spot.
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Dear Fanny,
It seems like in some porn movies women fake having orgasms. Can you fake female ejaculation? Or is all the squirting I see in porn movies real?
Just Curious
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Dear Just Curious,
The only way you can fake female ejaculation is to urinate. While it may be a little difficult to tell the difference between ejaculating and urinating from your DVD player while watching a porn movie, in real life it would be exceedingly obvious. This is due to the fact that urine smells and is warm, whereas female ejaculate is odorless and not as warm as urine.
When female ejaculation first caught on a few years ago in the adult industry, I heard rumors that some stars were using water-filled syringes, which they inserted into their vaginas. They would squeeze the syringe and the water would then spurt forth. As we know, however, female ejaculation is emitted from the urethral opening, not the vagina.
I suppose faking female ejaculation in an adult movie is not out of step with the business of acting, and surely not out of step with how sex is portrayed in the adult film business, which is notorious for faking everything but a man’s hard-on. Indeed, female orgasm itself has rarely been portrayed realistically in the majority of adult films. In fact, Fatale Media was started in direct response to the desire to show real women having real orgasms, as well as real lesbians making real lesbian love. Clips was the first Fatale video to show me ejaculating on film.
As a sex educator, I’ve heard many stories of parents giving their children porn films to learn about sex, and of course many adults, young and old, turn to adult films for sex education. I once told a well-known and award-winning adult director that the porn stars are providing sex education and are sex educators, in a sense, because of all the folks who watch and mimic what they see in porn films. He laughed at me for thinking the adult stars were educators. Needless to say, I didn’t pursue the conversation any further. I was shocked, however, by his cavalier attitude, which is old-fashioned and out of sync with today’s new, young couples’ market and more open attitudes by the general public toward sex and porn.
But getting back to your question, in my DVD, Female Ejaculation for Couples, I show the G-spot, literally. You can see the G-spot when it is aroused, full of fluid and the woman is in the process of ejaculating, because she is using her vaginal muscles to push it out. This “pushing out” of the ejaculate, which a woman can do manually without an orgasm or almost instinctually with an orgasm, causes the G-spot to “move forward” or “peep through” the vaginal opening. If a woman is urinating and her G-spot is not aroused, you will not be able to see the G-spot in this manner. As we get more used to actually seeing and feeling the G-spot, it will become quite easy to tell - in a close-up shot of a woman ejaculating in a porn movie, for instance - whether she is ejaculating or urinating.
For some other really great visuals on the G-spot during ejaculation, check out Dr. Suzy Blocks’ new DVD Squirt Salon. I appear in that DVD teaching Dr. Suzy how to ejaculate. Two other starlets appear in this DVD, and the close-ups of their G-spots during ejaculation are the best to date of actually being able to SEE the G-spot.
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Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.
In last month’s poll, we asked: Do you believe gay marriage should be legal? Most of you (71.7%) voted yes. But 23.93% said no. A few others didn’t know or didn’t care. See the final results.
But you certainly told us! Here are some of your comments:
Kim wrote: “Until we have the same rights as everyone else we will not be recognized as regular people with the same feelings that straight couples have. We have the same feelings too!”
Mary wrote: “To further the cause of equality, we must [work] within the system that is. The Republican Party knew that putting gay marriage back on the ballot would solidify the vote against Dems. WE need to be inclusive, domestic partnership includes hetero, gay, transgender. Move with forethought and long-term agenda, with the political climate in mind. It is a battle and the Republicans are Better at pushing the narrow-minded people to votes.”
Yovanna wrote: “I don't believe that just because gays prefer to have sexual encounters and relationships with same-sex partners, [gay marriage should be legal]. This is a sexual preference, a bedroom manner, which has no place in the legal system. What one decides to do in the bedroom should stay there. It is not grounds to bring those individual DESIRES, some of which may be considered PERVERSION by heterosexual humans, and even by Gay standards. SEX is just that, and has no place in the LAW BOOKS. It is merely a preference even if some refuse to recognize that MEN ON MEN, WOMEN ON WOMEN, IS A LUSTFUL PERVERSION. SENSATION, EROTIC AND SELF GRATIFICATION have no MORAL VALUES, [or] respectability of one’s body, nor should be taught as acceptable behavior to children. Adults have the freedom to engage in S&M, OR ANY TYPE OF SEX THAT GRATIFIES THEM.
“Children should be left to grow up as NORMAL heterosexual beings, and not [be] influenced by ADULTS who have different DESIRES. What you do in the bedroom has no place for a child to see, hear or speak about. Let's keep our children as innocent as possible and allow them to make their own choices.
“LUST is a demon with the POWER to overwhelm, control and ultimately change your life and your perception of right and wrong. Strength to resist the temptations must not be sacrificed for SEXUAL FANTASY.
“Sexual fantasy is now becoming a law. I never thought it would CUM so far, but it has. Every human being has the ability to enjoy any type of SEX with a same-sex partner; enjoyment is not grounds for a law to be enacted so that it can be legal to engage in perverted sexual activity. Enjoy yourself, and be discreet about it. The entire world doesn't have to know what your sexual passions, likes and dislikes, are. What has happened to our society? Where are our Values, Morals, Pride, Self-Respect, Example-setting and Teaching our children to resist temptations that could cause havoc in their lives? Not being strong is leading our society to be weak in other areas as well, such as drugs, alcohol, abuse (all types), disrespect for others, and self-gratification over all others, even parents. How can anyone support that these behaviors are right and justify them?? I'm open-minded and sometimes curious myself, but then I step back and ask myself if moving into something more, something different is really necessary, and the answer is no.
“Desire? Sure, but desire isn't enough to change the way I live, who I am, or to impose it upon others, especially in public.
“Adults...keep your bedrooms private, and all is well.”
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We welcome your comments. Send an e-mail to christi@fatalemedia.com and you may see your words published here!
New Poll: Have you ever tried “water sports” (urinating during sex)?
This poll is completely anonymous. It’s on Fatale’s home page.
Stay tuned, and we’ll give you the results next month.
Until then, we wish you dazzling hot sex!
Nan and Christi
