Fatale Media Newsletter May 2006 |
In This Issue:
Sex on the Beach
Dear Friend,
According to the latest Fatale poll results, if you’re in the majority, you not only like public sex, but you’ve tried it on the beach. Probably more than once.
Public sex is risky business—we might get caught!—but on the beach, there’s a rush of freedom. One of our favorite beaches is not far from friends’ summer house on Fire Island, New York, a few hours’ east of Manhattan, in an area of the island known as the Pines. A lot of gay guys live there, and maybe the testosterone is in the air there and makes everything seem sexy and wild and free.
(If you’ve never been to Fire Island, it’s gorgeous. You can see pictures at www.fireisland.com.)
It’s been a couple years since our last visit to Fire Island, but the memories are still fresh. Sex on the beach is addictive. The fine sand gets in your mouth and under your nails. A beach blanket keeps some of the sand at bay but there’s no denying the need for a shower afterwards.
At sunset, you see strollers out for a sunset walk. After they leave, we huddle down on a beach blanket, throw another blanket over us and let the sound of the ocean and the smell of the saltwater soften our senses. The romance of the beach is intoxicating.
It’s a little early in the season, here in North America, to fantasize about sex on the beach, but planning ahead for that luscious next summer visit to the beach never hurts.
Yours in good sex and love,
Nan & Christi
If you read Cosmopolitan or other women’s magazines, you know that a point of dire consequence is to keep him wanting. If you don’t keep him wanting, he’ll run away from home for sure, drop you, leave you stranded.
Keeping her wanting you is just as vital to any good sex relationship we know—whether it’s an occasional fling or a long-term marriage or committed relationship.
With that notion in mind, here are our Top 10 Tips for Keeping Her Wanting:
- Don’t forget her birthday or your anniversary. Sounds trite but it works like a charm. Make it special.
- Be polite, especially to her family and friends. Chivalry isn’t dead by a long shot.
- Talk to her, but listen too! Really listen.
- Surprises keep her delighted—lingerie and flowers, another romantic cliché, when they’re unexpected, turn up the heat in the bedroom.
- New sex! Try something different every few times you have sex. (See #3 above when attempting this.)
- Yes, she’s got a G-spot. She’s also got a clit—pay attention to it.
- Tease her. Don’t give her everything she wants all at once, but don’t forget what she wants.
- Rain checks. Take a “sex rain check” when you’re not in the mood...or she’s not in the mood.
- Romance comes in many flavors—she wants the handcuffs tonight? Great! Remember to kiss her and tell her you love her while you snap them on.
- Give her space, for her family and girlfriends, but when she wants you and only you by her side to watch the sappy Hallmark Hall of Fame made-for-TV romance, swallow your pride and just do it.
Keeping her wanting keeps you hot too. If you care for her, let it show, let her know.
What’s your advice? Send your comments to christi@fatalemedia.com.
Many of you know g-spot expert Deborah Sundahl as Fanny Fatale. In “Ask Fanny,” an exclusive column created just for this newsletter, she answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot.
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Dear Deborah,
It gives me pleasure to say that you have helped my friends and I learn more about female ejaculation through your writings, and your films. I am a 38-year-old mother of one with another on the way in a couple months and I have always enjoyed sexuality to the fullest.
My husband is also a very sexual person with a desire to see me fulfilled. I started masturbating at a very young age. I think I was about 10 or 11, and I was probably 30 before I started ejaculating. It was after buying your How to Female Ejaculate video with you as Fanny Fatale. I watched it over and over again alone and with my husband and was able to start ejaculating instantly.
Since being pregnant the ejaculation is more frequent and more amounts. Why is this? As soon as I place the wand on my clit...instant ejaculation, whereas before I would need internal masturbation with fingers or a toy on the g-spot.
What films have you done recently? I really enjoy the positive sex attitude, and keep up the great job!
Macy Davis, via e-mail
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Dear Macy,
I'm glad to hear you learned to ejaculate many years ago and that it has been a wonderful part of your erotic life with your partner. These days, female ejaculation is so much better known, and so many women are learning how to do it. Despite this popularity, the medical profession and science is still slow to recognize and study the female prostate and its lovely bi-product, female ejaculate.
Therefore, I cannot answer your question scientifically, as they do not know why ejaculating is so easy and much more profuse during pregnancy. But obviously, when a woman is pregnant, she is juicy! Vaginal lubrication, clear skin, breasts beginning their lactation process--all these are the result of the increase in circulation that is part of being pregnant. Therefore, it is no surprise that female ejaculate flows easily and with gusto during pregnancy.
Another reason you are able to ejaculate by simply touching your clitoris is that the head of the G-spot surrounds the urethral opening, which in some women is very close to the clitoris. This is new information since I did the video from which you learned to ejaculate. It could be that you are also touching the head of your G-spot, and that it has grown over time to greater sensitivity.
The ancient Greeks knew about female ejaculate, and believed it carried an essence, that when combined with male ejaculate, helped to create new life! What a wonderful metaphor for female ejaculate! A midwife I know believes that female ejaculate helps to smooth the passageway during childbirth, so don't be surprised if you discover a splash of ejaculate that bathes your baby's delivery into the world.
Many blessings!
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Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.
Your Letters
W.G. wrote:
“I wish to read your comments about male lesbians like myself, guys who not only get off watching lesfemporn---men who are spiritually dykes--not just some mean-spirited man-hating putdown but something more [like] Susie Bright and loving.”
Carol wrote:
“This is in response to your fisting story, which was very well written, I might add.
“I'm a 42-year-old bi-female. A (bi) girlfriend and I get together every couple weeks for girl-on-girl play. Since she's the sub, and I'm very dom, I come up with the positions I want to try with her. She loves trying anything I ask of her.
“Last time, I wanted to fist her. I lubed my fingers and around and inside her pussy. As I slowly pushed in all my fingers up to my knuckle, I felt her pussy muscles relax completely to pull my fist all the way in. Since then, that's what she asks for first. Of course, I look forward to it, too.
“Thank you for letting me share my story. Keep up the good articles.”
Send your letters and comments to christi@fatalemedia.com.
Fatale Update
A special thank-you for your patience as we’ve spent the last month switching Web servers, upgrading our system and generally handling some back-end Web site maintenance. Our Webmaster deserves a particular thank-you for all his hard work and late nights.
You’ll notice we’ve added the Google search box on the site to make finding what you want easier and faster. The store is now upgraded too. There are other changes that may not be as evident, but we hope your experience visiting Fatale is a good one.
In last month’s poll, we asked: What’s your favorite place to have public sex?
In case you haven’t guessed by now, saltwater and oceans breezes scored high! Check out the complete results of last month’s poll.
In the new poll, we ask: What’s your favorite sex position?
Vote now! The poll is on Fatale’s home page.
And we’ll give you the results next month.
Until then, we wish you dazzling hot sex!
Nan and Christi
