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Fatale Media   Fatale Media Newsletter April 2005
In This Issue: Earth is Crammed with Heaven 
•   Earth is Crammed with Heaven
•   Q&A: Ask Fanny...Female Ejaculation
•   Sex Tips & Tricks: Giving Good Head
•   What’s New at Fatale: Bend Over Boyfriend on DVD
•   Give Yourself the Gift of Porn
•   March Poll Results and Anal Sex Poll
Earth is Crammed with Heaven
Dear Friend,

It’s springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. Despite the snow and rain through much of North America, drought in the Pacific Northwest, the daffodils are coming up, the hyacinths, even the tulips.

Flirting is a subject that doesn’t get much airplay, even though we see enough flirting on TV shows and batted eyelashes batting their way into our minds. That’s because real flirting—the kind that makes your heart flutter and think, “Maybe, maybe this is the one”—is so hard to come by.

On Easter three people brought us flowers. A friend from New York arrived first with a potted plant sprouting beautiful lavender gray campanula. A porn star brought a potted cactus with three thistle-like hot pink blooms. A blues singer, a New Zealander by birth, arrived with cut pink and white flowers we put in a vase.

The weather was warm and breezy. After brunch we ate chocolate bunnies.

The conversation started simply enough—something about a National Geographic special on TV—and suddenly it blossomed into a discovery of shared world travels, stories of women in India carving toothpicks, walking from New Zealand around the world, a brief discussion of the Huns, the Crusades, the Pope, Terri Schiavo, living simply, what it means to live without electricity.

All the while, two women who’d never met before, the porn star and the blues singer, found themselves drawn to each other. In fact they were flirting. Pretty serious conversation for flirtations, you might say, yet there they were.

This was no love-at-first-sight encounter like ours was. In fact our anniversary was exactly eight years ago April 4th. We’re still in love and couldn’t be happier.

But it struck us that from underneath the surface of this Easter Sunday conversation, amazing stories and experiences bubbled up and fueled the flirtation. It was magic to watch.

A line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning arrived in an e-mail not long after:

“Earth is crammed with heaven.”

Yours in good sex and love,

Nan & Christi

For a good primer on flirting, check out “How to Flirt.”
Sex Tips & Tricks: Giving Good Head

This article has been revised and updated. You may read it at the Fatale Media blog.

Click Here to see the revised and updated article.

Give Yourself the Gift of Porn
Just a reminder that when you order three videos or DVDs, you get free shipping within the U.S.

Fatale’s got perfect gifts and new gift packages to surprise your honey...or just for fun!

Check out the Fatale gift packages!
Q&A: Ask Fanny...Female Ejaculation 
Many of you know g-spot expert Deborah Sundahl as Fanny Fatale. In “Ask Fanny,” an exclusive column created just for this newsletter, she answers your questions about female ejaculation and the G-spot.

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Hi, Fanny,

My name is Lisa (called Lis by my love). I would love to know more about Gspot. I have your book, which was given to me by my love. I would love to experience Gspot. Your book is called Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot. I love the book and it is very very informative...and easy to understand.

I am reading your book page by page and I even passed your score tests about the PC and did the PC muscle flexibility. I found my Gspot...but I can't seem to ejaculate. I tried to ejaculate without orgasm. All I got was wetness and the urge to pee.

Before I even knew what Gspot was...I may have ejaculated or not. Because during masturbation or during sex, I was always wet and the sheets would have stains. Even not when masturbating or having sex, I was always wet when I get arousal...I do gushing. Why is that? It is so awkward but my love loves it. And I love it so I would like to gather all the tools to ejaculate.

I hope I make any sense at all.


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Dear Lis,

You are a diligent student! You followed the instructions and then you “got wetness and the urge to pee.”

CONGRATULATIONS! The urge to pee is, as I said in my book, the urge to ejaculate—assuming you have truly aroused yourself and stimulated your G-spot to fill with ejaculate fluid.

What is unclear is: did you get the “urge to pee” first or the “wetness” first? Also, it would be helpful to know if the “wetness” you normally have is clear and very wet, as if one did wet her pants, or if it is vaginal lubricant that is more creamy and slick? But that question aside, judging from your letter where you say, “I was always wet and the sheets would have stains” and “I do gushing, even not when masturbating or during sex,” I believe it is highly likely you may be one of the few women who ejaculate quite naturally.

In my book, I quote Regnier de Graaf, the 17th-century Dutch anatomist who is called the “father of the female prostate” because he dissected and diagramed it way back then. He said the female prostate fluid (female ejaculate), “in libidinous women, gushes out at the sight of a handsome man!” I've always loved that quote!

That quote embodies the true nature of feminine sexuality, which the G-spot and female ejaculation represent, and that is the ability to be so connected to the “heart” of our sexuality (our G-spots) that we can let that fountain flow just by being turned on! No lengthy stimulation or penetration required!

If you are that able to “let your feminine fountain flow,” then you are a Goddess! Goddess Aphrodite no less, who stood for sexual pleasure as a wonderful, natural and sacred thing.

We hear about how natural sex is quite often these days, and may think we are open and loving our bodies, but that is a tricky thing because the taboos of shame and guilt from our modern culture go so very deep.

Therefore, it is ALWAYS beneficial to really ask ourselves: "How deeply do I really believe in the beauty of my body and lovemaking with my partner? How much do I still hold back because I believe deep down that my body and sex is ugly or bad?"

It's astonishing how really deep those thoughts about our lovely female sexual nature can go. Keep gushing, Lis, and hold the bar for the rest of us!


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Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.

To see women ejaculating, check out Deborah's video/DVD How to Female Ejaculate.

What’s New at Fatale: Bend Over Boyfriend on DVD
Bend Over Boyfriend is now on DVD
You asked for it, we got it. The top-selling Bend Over Boyfriend is now available on DVD or video—your choice.

"Bend Over Boyfriend couldn't be more user-friendly: part sex education, part erotic show and tell...I would like more women with male lovers to know the pleasures of ravishing their husbands and boyfriends..." —Susie Bright, Salon.com

Check out Bend Over Boyfriend on DVD now!
March Poll Results and New Poll on Anal Sex
In each issue of Fatale News, we want to hear your ideas, opinions, comments.

Well, you rock! With 326 votes in as of this writing, you voted overwhelmingly in favor of ORAL SEX as your favorite, with 100 votes.

Anal sex came in second with 61 votes, and finger-fucking was third with 51 votes.

To see the complete, final poll results, check out this page.

The new poll is all anal.

Tell us: Have you ever tried anal sex?

This poll is completely anonymous. It’s on Fatale’s home page.

We’ll give you the results in the May 2005 Fatale Media Newsletter.

Celebrate sex!
Nan and Christi


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