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Fatale Media Newsletter April 2004
 In This Issue: Fatale Gets Some 
•   Fatale Gets Some
•   Q&A: Ask Fanny
•   Sex Tips & Tricks: Vibrating Cock Rings
•   What's Up at Fatale
•   Worldwide Shipping and New Gift Packages
•   Call for Gay/Lesbian Couples Book
 Fatale Gets Some
Dear Friend,

It's been a stellar month for lesbians, trans folk and daring straight folks in the news. A special thank you to all of you who have written and called. We don't usually toot our own horn right upfront, but we love it when Fatale gets some. So permit us to share this good news with you.

The April issue of Esquire has a two-page spread, "The Five-Minute Guide to...Lesbians," featuring a gutsy interview with our very own Nan Kinney. It's true, Fatale was "the first company to produce porn for lesbians."

Nan's advice to guys (and gals) who want to "bed a lesbian"? She says, "Act like a lesbian! Really study lesbian culture and watch our videos. Just let them call the shots."

Comedy Central's Colin Quinn and his Tough Crowd crew had a lot of fun talking about Bend Over Boyfriend and showing a clip from the video (March 18th).

Todd Jaeger, who saw the piece and bought the video, writes, "What really struck me was how 'real' the couples were in the video -- I find realistic looking men and women to be much more exciting than seeking out ultra-model types. There's something about seeing people you can relate to and feel more relaxed with. It makes the activity and demonstrations more enjoyable and really arousing! And please tell Carol and Robert that if they do another video, let's see more of Robert -- I gotta say, he's very striking." Thanks, Todd!

There's some news about Turn Me Up Over and On, too, Fatale's latest Real Lesbian Sex winner. The April/May issue of On Our Backs has a knockout review in which Greta Christina writes: "It's a half-hour porno tape of two lesbians having themselves some lesbian sex. And it's grand! Beautiful, giddy, arousing....Bottom line: simple and superb."

Luke, one of the two stars of Turn Me Up Over and On, made a surprise (to us) appearance on the front page of the New York Times Style section last March 7th in an article titled "On Campus, Rethinking Biology 101." Luke, according the Times, is "on the cutting edge of a new kind of campus activism: transgender students and their allies who are convincing colleges to meet [their] needs." Bravo, Luke!

And bravo to all those journalists and producers brave enough to tackle real sex!

Yours in good sex and love,

Nan & Christi

Check out all Fatale's sexy videos!

 Sex Tips & Tricks: Vibrating Cock Rings
This month, we asked Carolyn Caizzi, director of Turn Me Up Over and On and winner of Fatale's Real Lesbian Sex contest, to let us know what her favorite sex tip is. She writes:

"I work part time at early2bed.com, Chicago's sex-positive women-centered sex shop. So my sex tip would have to be...vibrating cockrings!!! They are amazing inventions. Personally I love strap-on sex, but I only get off with constant clitoral stimulation, so vibrating cockrings provide an awesome solution for someone who likes penetrative sex, but needs a little something else to have an orgasm. My favorite one is called the Crystal Ring on early2bed's site....Thumper is also really cute."

You can check out Early2Bed at www.early2bed.com and click "Toys for Boys." But know that strap-on sweeties of any gender can get off on these lovelies!

Violet Blue also has a good article about vibrating cock rings at her site, Tiny Nibbles.

E-mail your tips and tricks to christi@fatalemedia.com. You could be published here!

See more about Turn Me Up Over and On

 Worldwide Shipping and New Gift Packages
Just a reminder that Fatale ships worldwide—yes, even to Canada.

Plus, we offer free gift-wrapping, free gift cards, and free shipping in the U.S. when you order 3 or more videos. Perfect gifts—and new gift packages—for birthdays, anniversaries and wedding celebrations!

Check out the all-new gift packages!

 Q&A: Ask Fanny
Many of you know g-spot expert Deborah Sundahl as Fanny Fatale. In "Ask Fanny," an exclusive column created just for this newsletter, she answers your questions about female ejaculation and the G-spot.

Dear Fanny,

I recently heard about female ejaculation from my partner of many years. For various reasons, he started to bare his soul on what his past sexual experiences were like. He said that only one girlfriend was able to ejaculate, and he found it the best sex he had ever had (although he was keen to stress that although I didn't, our own partnership of 20 years was far beyond other experiences). However, it got me looking and buying your book. I was delighted to read we all have the possibility but, so far, no luck. I get so far, but I am not experiencing the textbook sensations.

We don't have workshops like you in the States and it is extremely frustrating. Can you suggest any help?



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Hi Janet,

The first step in unraveling this problem is this: Where is your g-spot located, i.e., what type of prostate do you have?Ê See pages 31-33 of my book Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot (pages 32-35 in the U.K. version).

We can go from there.



Hi Fanny,

Many thanks for taking the time to reply.

OK, here goes! I figure I have a meatus type of prostate. The main body, i.e. the ramp, is located near the urethra canal opening. It then fades out toward the back. I assume this ramp is where the actual g-spot is located. I do feel the gutters on either side and down to the tail. Not sure I feel the other ridge talked about in the book. I only get the 'need to pee' urge just on the entrance, not two finger joints along. I assume I am in the wrong place there and that is actually the urethra canal opening.


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Dear Janet,

Good info, thanks. You've gotten to know the anatomical aspect of your g-spot very well. Two finger joints are too deep for you. Yes, the meatus prostate is near the entrance to the urethral canal, and therefore can be felt at the entrance to the vagina, where you feel the "urge to pee." Although the meatus type g-spot can extend two finger joints in, and although its "tail" is sensitive, for some women the "head" of the g-spot is the most sensitive, and I think this may be the case for you.

Note: Regarding this fact of a "two finger joint" length being too deep to stimulate the meatus type prostate (g-spot), I have adjusted my information since I wrote the book, due to research I did for my new video, Female Ejaculation for Couples.

In this new video, I make it perfectly clear that the g-spot can be felt just inside the entrance to the vagina, by showing three women's g-spots being "pushed out" with their pelvic muscles. And, you can see the ridges! One of these women likes her prostate (g-spot) stimulated on the outside of the vulva, near the urethral opening and the vagina. Perhaps this type of stimulation is something you would like.

The next step would be to GENTLY stimulate the area where you feel that "urge to pee." Relax into the sensations and get to know them by attempting to turn the "urge to pee" into erotic pleasure.

Make sure you are truly aroused, and begin by using your finger. As you become more aroused, you can apply more "firm" pressure.

Feel free to use some clitoral stimulation or whatever type of stimulation helps you achieve orgasm, but be sure that that stimulation doesn't overpower the stimulation to your g-spot. I want you to spend some time feeling what the stimulation to the "urge to pee" area of your g-spot feels like. Don't try to ejaculate, just feel the sensations.

Let me know how this goes, and we will go from there.



Next month: We'll chart Janet's progress in female ejaculation!

Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.

Read more about Fanny's new DVD, Female Ejaculation for Couples

 What's Up at Fatale
Suburban Dykes - Still the Favorite of Porn Connoisseurs
Suburban Dykes is still a classic you can watch over and over. Witness Esquire's choice to use it to illustrate the interview with Nan in their April issue.

In a recent cover story on Nina Hartley, On Our Backs wrote, "Suburban Dykes combines the authenticity of the by-dyke-for-dyke oeuvre with the experienced professionalism of Nina Hartley...She is bisexual in real life, and it's clear in this video that her pleasure in doing other women (and getting done by them) is quite real."

Miss Sharon Mitchell is pretty hot too!

Check out Suburban Dykes now!

 Call for Gay/Lesbian Couples Book
In each issue of Fatale News, we want to hear your ideas, opinions, comments.

This month, we thought we'd tell you about a new book by Alison Blackman Dunham that you might want to be in.

Nan and Christi are participating in this project...our 7th anniversary is April 4th. We'll be drinking Champagne and all-out celebrating!


I am seeking gay/lesbian couples who have been together for more than five years or who have recently been married in San Francisco, to share their stories and ideas about what helps keep their relationships strong. I am also seeking experts who counsel gay and lesbian couples, and people who run gay dating services. These profiles and ideas are part of my research for a new relationship book for same-sex couples. If you are interested in contributing, I will send you a simple questionnaire to answer, and, of course, I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the project. You will also receive a release form for your safety and privacy. If anonymity is important to you, I will be happy to change all identifying factors. No phone calls, please.

Need leads by 08:00 PM US/Central APR 09 2004

To participate in this project, e-mail Alison Blackman Dunham: advicesisters@advicesisters.net

Until next time, we wish you dazzling hot sex!

Nan and Christi
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