Clips eroticizes the mystery and fun of lesbian sex. Two young lesbian free spirits, Coco Jo and Houlihan, let their romantic kisses lead them to unusual behavior with a number of scarves. One scarf disappears and.... (Disappears? Where? NO!....oh dear!)
Clips contains three ten minute vignettes. The female ejaculation scene performed by Fanny Fatale is stunning. Her lover, Kenni Mann, is intently watching Wall Street Week on TV. Fanny distracts her by masturbating to a libidinous orgasm, and Kenni responds with a shocking surprise of her own! |



Fannys g-spot orgasm is a sight that will stay in your mind for hours - no, make that weeks after viewing! |

- Susie Bright, On Our Backs


In the third episode of Clips, In Which Fanny Liquidates Kennys Stocks, has Fanny masturbating with a dildo while Kenny reads the business section of the paper. This clip is by now quite famous for Fanny's ejaculation scene, which, as they say, must be seen to be believed. |

- Outweek(Lesbian & Gay Newsmagazine)


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