The verdict is in. Science has confirmed the ability to achieve spontaneous orgasms via fantasy alone. This is big. We’ve known about Tantra for a long time, and Tantra practitioners always seem to have the secret smile that says, “I have the best orgasms ever.”
Women do it more and better than men, according to “I’ll Have What She’s Thinking.” Surprised?
Where does porn fit into this whole schema? It wasn’t mentioned. During the scans of the orgasm participants’ brains, volunteers were told only to fantasize.
But what is porn if not fantasy come to life on the screen? We’re willing to bet purveyors of porn are high on the list of those gifted with spontaneous Os!
Are you a spontaneous O? What do you like best about it?
Yours in good love and sex,
Nan & Christi
P.S. For some spontaneous Os of your own, check out all Fatale Media’s videos!
Spontaneous O
Friday, October 4th, 2013Women do it more and better than men, according to “I’ll Have What She’s Thinking.” Surprised?
Where does porn fit into this whole schema? It wasn’t mentioned. During the scans of the orgasm participants’ brains, volunteers were told only to fantasize.
But what is porn if not fantasy come to life on the screen? We’re willing to bet purveyors of porn are high on the list of those gifted with spontaneous Os!
Are you a spontaneous O? What do you like best about it?
Yours in good love and sex,
Nan & Christi
P.S. For some spontaneous Os of your own, check out all Fatale Media’s videos!
Tags:orgasms, sex news, tantra
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