Thanks to our friend Chuck, who sent this link along with the comment, “Who in the hell are these people? This law should be gone. This is a 50-year-old law. There are laws in many states being removed every day. The laws were wrong then. It is still wrong in 2010.”
“Law to ‘Cure’ Homosexuality Refuted.”
Datelined Sacramento, California, no less.
Thanks, Chuck. We do appreciate the clips and links!
And in case you missed this gem, check out “Can Animals Be Gay?” by Jon Mooallem in the April 4, 2010, issue of the New York Times Sunday Magazine, about “The science of same-sex pairings in the wild.”
Wild About BOB – Your Letters
Friday, January 14th, 2011We don’t publish all the notes we receive, but every now and then we ask for (and usually receive) permission to reprint a letter. Here’s one we loved:
Dear Christi and Fatale Team,
This “Bend Over Boyfriend” dvd is SO FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s like the BEST educational video I’ve ever seen!!! God, we’re gonna have fun with that now!!! You girls are geniuses!!
And on these good words, I’ll return to bed with the Saran Wrap roll in my hand, where some cute stud is still dozing ^.^
–Emilie M., from Montreal, Canada
Thanks, Emilie! Glad you like it.
Tags:Bend Over Boyfriend, letters to Fatale, Letters to Fatale Media
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