Posts Tagged ‘gay marriage’

Marriage and Its Defenders

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

We’d like to put our hat in the ring and say, “We too defend marriage.” For anybody. For everybody.

All this Defense of Marriage Act back-and-forth has reached, as the New York Times put it, “a tipping point.” Adam Lipak’s article last Sunday, “A Tipping Point for Gay Marriage,” pointed out that the legal community is often ahead of the curve when it comes to forward-thinking ideas and acceptance of those ideas in the general public.

Long before gay marriage becomes legal throughout the United States, legal decisions such as Lawrence v. Texas, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, which in essence legalized gay sex (sodomy, to be precise).

Now we have international law firm King & Spalding, based in Atlanta, withdrawing from a case that would have put them in a position to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. Marriage should be between one man and one woman, that act says. The law firm doesn’t want to alienate its law-school recruits, among other things. Good. Let them withdraw.

If it takes the legal community to lead the way in legalizing gay marriage, so be it.

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. Check out Shine Louise Houston’s new lesbian DVD The Crash Pad Series Volume 6. A keeper for sure!

P.P.S. Check out all Fatale’s DVDS.

Bye-Bye Prop 8

Monday, August 16th, 2010

This past two weeks we saw Proposition 8 stuck down, with U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, saying that the California proposition was “unconstitutional.”

Then just this past week, we saw the New York Times breaking news that California gay and lesbian couples who wanted to get married would have to wait—again, until Wednesday, August 18th.

We posted a comment on Fatale’s Facebook page, and now we wait with bated breath to see what happens next.

Till victory.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Prop 8 Victory

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010
Proposition 8 Victory August 2010


Today Proposition 8 was overturned by U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, saying that the California proposition was “unconstitutional.”

In the ruling’s conclusion, the judge wrote: “Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California constitution the notion that opposite sex couples are superior to same sex couples.” 

(Special thanks to Go Magazine for pointing out this salient quote.)

This ruling is worth cheering about. Even if those who oppose gay marriage want to take this to the Supreme Court, so be it. For now we have victory.

We hope New York follows suit. Could we dare to dream of a country where gay marriage is legal in every state?

The Wedding Issue

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

June is traditionally the month to get married. The nearby church parking lot has been packed for the last two Saturdays, and we expect it will be the next two weekends too.

It was a bit of a shock to learn that Elton John was singing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding to wife #4. But hey, a million dollars is a million dollars. Nice fee if you can get it.

Tomorrow in San Francisco a different kind of wedding issue is coming to a head. Same-sex marriage is on trial in Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, the significant case that goes up against Proposition 8.

Proposition 8 outlaws same-sex marriage in the state of California, denying gays and lesbians the right to marry there since voters passed the law in late 2008.

Why does California matter? Because it’s the largest state in the union, and what happens in California is often a harbinger of what happens elsewhere in the U.S.

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier Plaintiffs

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, Plaintiffs

Why does Perry vs. Schwarzenegger matter? Because what happens tomorrow in San Francisco will most likely prod the winners or losers in this case to appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Does Proposition 8 violate the U.S. Constitution? This is the first time the gay-marriage issue has been fought on the grounds that it violates the Constitution.

The full testimony from the January trial can be found at the Equal Rights Foundation.

As an appropriate aside, we find it heartening to learn that a new study shows teenaged children of lesbians are quite well adjusted, thank you very much. The study by Nanette Gartrell was published last week in the journal Pediatrics.

As for Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, don’t expect to see the daylong closing arguments broadcast on TV, however. As reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, the judge in the case, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, denied media outlets’ petition to film the closing arguments. It’s really too bad. Perhaps if more ordinary people could see the absurdity of the case against same-sex marriage, they wouldn’t be cowed by the religious right to vote against equality for all

Frank Rich wrote a good piece in the New York Times on Sunday, required reading if you’re more interested in the TV show “Glee” rather than gay marriage: “Two Weddings, a Divorce and ‘Glee.’

Needless to say, we’ll be following this case closely as it winds on. Your opinion? Let us know what you think here in the comments section.

Till next time, we say Happy Gay Pride! Wear it well.

Nan & Christi

P.S. Check out Fatale’s good wedding gift sets.

Thoughts on Maine

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

By Natalie French

Date: Monday, 2 November 2009

Maine mapOkay, I went for a long walk thinking about the battle for Marriage Equality in Maine and here is what I came up with.

I think we should have votes all over the country on who is allowed –or required–to get married.

Should people who have no intention of having kids be allowed to get married?

If you have at least three kids are you required to marry? There are a lot of GLBT families who want to adopt kids and plenty of unwanted pregnancies heading toward abortions. Are the hellfire Christians just too proud to admit that we are here, we’re queer, and we can solve that problem?

A mandatory marriage mobile will arrive at the houses of randomly chosen single straight people (can’t tell you bland folks apart) for your required nuptials where we will decorate, cater, arrange the flowers and play great dance music for the reception. Seriously, is there anything gayer than a wedding?

Are celebrities allowed to marry more often than every three years? I think we should vote on who marries Britney, Angelina and Clooney next.

Should boring people be required to marry each other to get them off the cool singles scene?

Are ugly people allowed the same civil rights as those of us who are charming? Who decides if you are ugly?

If you can walk down the aisle in high heels and look hot in a veil, can you legally be declared a bride no matter what gender is listed on your birth certificate?

Natalie French is a friend of ours who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

What do you think? Comment here.

Happy Gay Pride!

Monday, June 1st, 2009

A year ago, we were celebrating the California Supreme Court’s overturning the ban on same-sex marriage. Today we celebrate those pioneers and others who refuse to give up hope.

In the last year, Iowa and Maine have joined Massachusetts in opening their doors to marriage for gays and lesbian. At least California allowed the queers who’d already gotten married to continue to enjoy those privileges. We know several couples who were holding their collective breath.

When the news came last week that California blew it, the Bush v. Gore lawyers hopped right to it with a lawsuit. As the New York Times said, “The David and Ted show is back in business.”

But AP reported right away that “Gay groups call federal marriage suit premature.”

We like NPR’s State-by-State Gay Marriage Map.

Well, whether or not you want to get married, have gotten married, believe in marriage or think it stinks, we celebrate Gay Pride this year and every year, remembering Stonewall, remembering the Stonewall veterans who launched this movement into its latest form.

In honor of those courageous acts, and in celebration of Gay Pride Month, we are pleased to offer 10% off all items here at Fatale Media through the month of June.

Plus, in addition to 10% off all items, this year we’re offering you free shipping in the U.S. No minimums. That’s a promise!

We promise to keep showing sexuality in a real and positive and authentic way, and we thank you for having the courage to stand with us.

Happy Pride!

Nan & Christi

P.S. Christi will be in New York City celebrating Pride this year. If you’re around or having a party, feel free to invite her along! Find Christi at Facebook.

P.P.S. You can pay securely at Fatale by credit card or PayPal. And remember, you get 10% off and free, fast shipping for the month of June. See all Fatale’s DVDs.

Sean Penn at the Oscars

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

We adore Sean Penn. Not everyone does, but we have to say that, watching Milk on the big screen, never once did we think, “Oh, Sean Penn’s doing a really good job playing Harvey Milk.” Not once. The suspension of disbelief was complete in a way that is rare these days.

Which meant that Sean Penn’s performance as Harvey Milk was, in our opinion, Oscar-worthy. We wanted him to win it, even though we thought Frank Langella’s Richard Nixon was a stellar, first-rate performance too.

Then along came Mickey Rourke. Mr. Wrestler. Hmm. Playing himself, we agreed privately. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Was Mickey Rourke was going to win best actor? Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Oh, the shouts and murmurs of the chattering classes.

So imagine our absolute thrill when Sean Penn won best actor for his portrayal of Harvey Milk. We applauded, we cheered outright, we were on our feet. Commie homo lovers. That’s us!

But it got even better when Sean Penn defended gay rights as he accepted the Academy’s award, calling for “equal rights for everyone.”

If you missed his excellent speech, you can watch it here:

Courtesy of The