G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot.
Dear Fanny,
If you’ve never female ejaculated before, where do you begin? How do you convince a perhaps skeptical partner that this exists? How much time do you need?
Lastly, I’m over 50; does it matter how old you are?
Nervous in Nevada
Dear Nervous,
The first step to begin to learn how to female ejaculate is to inform yourself about what female ejaculation is and where it comes from. In my experience, half the work of learning how to female ejaculate is done by educating yourself on the subject.
Female ejaculation is prostatic fluid with a little bit of glucose (sugar). This fluid is produced by the female prostate. The female prostate is the G-spot. All women have one, as do all men. Therefore, all women can ejaculate if they want to learn how.
Learning how to ejaculate is fairly easy. Most women can accomplish it in a few months, if not right away, once they realize an important factor: the feeling of needing to pee is actually the urge to ejaculate.
What can take many years to learn is how to reawaken the sensations of the G-spot, which are ultrasensitive by nature but numbed out in most women.
A sizable minority of partners does not know about female ejaculation; therefore, if partners are surprised with this information during sex, they get shocked and often react in an angry and/or turned-off manner. So, first thing to do if you ejaculate already, or learn to do so later, is to tell a new partner, “I ejaculate!”
Meanwhile, the best way to convince a skeptical partner that female ejaculation and the G-spot do indeed exist is by ejaculating when making love. Surprise them with the wet towel under their nose, so they take a good, deep sniff. They will smell for themselves that it is not urine. That should take care of the issue of skepticism right then and there.
Lastly, you can learn to ejaculate at any age. Age does not seem to make ejaculating harder or make the amount of ejaculate less. In fact, older women can have an edge on the ease of learning how to ejaculate, because older women are more inclined to want to relax and open their body to more sensuality—a state that makes it easier to ejaculate.
Good luck!
Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com.
To learn to female ejaculate, buy Deborah Sundahl’s latest sexy, educational DVD Female Ejaculation: The Workshop.
Watch as Lydia, Wendy and Fass learn to find and stimulate their G-spots to stunning G-spot orgasms. Close-up shots of the G-spot, anatomy charts to help you see and locate your own G-spot in the privacy of your home.
You can also take an in-person workshop with Deborah Sundahl. Her next two workshops are to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico:
Female Ejaculation Workshop for Women Only, Santa Fe, New Mexico
July 3 – 5, 2009.
Cost $200, plus lodging and food at a lovely Santa Fe resort location.
Registration closes this week, Saturday, June 20, 2009
Contact Deborah now if you are interested at deborah@isismedia.org.
More info.
Female Ejaculation Workshop for Couples, Santa Fe, NM
September 4 – 7, 2009 (Labor Day Weekend)
Cost $600 per couple, plus lodging and food at a lovely Santa Fe resort location.
Registration closes Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Contact Deborah if you are interested at deborah@isismedia.org.
More info.
In October, 2009, Deborah heads to Canada and Europe. We’ll update you on her fall schedule as we get the information.
Deb Sundahl Comes to Visit
Friday, September 11th, 2009Deborah is also the female ejaculation expert who writes the “Ask Fanny Fatale” Q&A column for this blog.
Nan and Deb sat out in the garden for while, then came back for a dinner of baked pasta and mozzarella before Deb headed off to her lecture on female ejaculation at the local sex shop.
This weekend, Deborah is off to Austin, Texas, for more female ejaculation workshops, then she plans to return for another few days’ visit come Monday. We’re happy to have her here!
If you have a question for Ask Fanny about the G-spot or female ejaculation, send it to askfanny at fatalemedia.com and put “Ask Fanny question” in the subject line.
To see the latest Deborah Sundahl’s latest DVD about female ejaculation, check out Female Ejaculation: The Workshop.
Tags:Ask Fanny Fatale, Deborah Sundahl, Nan Kinney
Posted in Ask Fanny, Female Ejaculation, Lesbian Life, Life Commentary | No Comments »