Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

Ask Fanny: Female Ejaculation and Getting Older

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot. You may send your questions to; please put FE Q&A in the subject line.

Dear Fanny,
I don’t think my girlfriend can female ejaculate anymore. Is this possible, when women get older they don’t always have the same physical reactions?


Dear Frank,
Age and being able to female ejaculate do not seem to be related. In fact, women can usually gush the same amount of fluid as they age, even into old age. We are finding that our ideas about sex as we age do not have to do with diminished interest, but with health. Stay fit, gals!

There are other reasons why women stop ejaculating, too. Primarily, there are two reasons: 1) a woman’s partner has indicated, usually right after a woman ejaculates, that he or she doesn’t like female ejaculation; or 2) a woman is having diminished feelings for her partner, or there is some temporary problem with intimacy in the relationship; or 3) she feels pressured by her partner to either ejaculate or to learn how.

All these affect a woman’s ability to ejaculate because female ejaculation and affection are often intertwined, and because so little is really known about how female ejaculation works with emotions, most women do not put two and two together.


Deborah Sundahl

P.S. To learn the basics of female ejaculation and the G-spot, take a look at How to Female Ejaculate: Find Your G-Spot by Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale.

Fatale Recommends: The Scavenger

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Katrina Fox is the amazing editor-in-chief of the online magazine The Scavenger. Each month, she cooks up a brew of articles—about sexual health, sexual life, social justice, the media, feminism and pop culture, “gender diversity” and much, much more. We admire Katrina’s tireless devotion to The Scavenger, a damned good monthly read.

Here are some offerings from the November issue, and just so you know, the monthly issues tend to arrive mid-month:

In defence of stripping and sex work,” an interview with Zahra Stardust by Katrina Fox

Addressing racism and classism in animal rights activism” by Stephanie Lai

Am I genderqueer?” by Tiara the Merchgirl

Snip from this last piece: “My question(s) stem from this: I don’t feel like I can neatly relate to masculinity or femininity (and also butch or femme) as contemporary Western culture, or even Malaysian/Bengali culture, defines them.”

Food for thought and worth reading.

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Full Load queer DVDSpeaking of which, one of the first genderqueer titles Fatale put out was Full Load: Scenes from

We called it an “FTM and lesbian sex video.” It is still one of the best for its explicit views of genderqueers, thanks to the superb camerawork of Barbara DeGenevieve.

Ask Fanny: BBW

Friday, November 5th, 2010

G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot. You may send your questions to; please put FE Q&A in the subject line.

Dear Fanny,
My [partner] is a bbw and she just started squirting but it just kind of runs out. What tips do you have to make her squirt longer and harder?


Dear Jason,
Your big beautiful woman ejaculates! Please give her my congratulations!

“Just kind of runs out”? Sir, if you please. Is there a more appreciative way to state this?

Most women do not arc out like a porn star; most women gush or flood, which is what your partner is doing. This is 100% normal.

Strong PC muscles help ejaculate shoot out, so Kegel exercises always help in that regard. This is not the goal, however, which is why I don’t only teach tips on how to “make her squirt longer and harder.”

Rather, the primary goal is expressing love and satisfaction with your big beautiful woman. Then she will ejaculate freely and there will be more of it.


P.S. To learn the basics of female ejaculation and the G-spot, and to watch four women female ejaculate (including arcing), see How to Female Ejaculate: Find Your G-Spot by Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale.

P.P.S. To watch Deborah guide three couples through the process of learning to female ejaculate, check out Female Ejaculation for Couples.

Sex Tips: Sexy Moms

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Director Shar Rednour at the camera with producer Nan Kinney

We adore Shar Rednour and her partner, Jackie Strano. They are the duo behind S.I.R. Video, creators of some of the best lesbian porn we know.

Full disclosure: Fatale Media is the exclusive distributor for S.I.R. Video movies.

Not long ago, Shar started a new blog, Great Sex Good Mom, all about “how great sex made me a good mom.”

One thing Shar points out is that her parents were affectionate with each other in front of the kids. And why not? Does it make us, as adults, less loving? We don’t think so.

One of the blog posts we especially liked was all about candlelight. Subtitled “How to create a romantic setting even when baseballs threaten,” this is a lovely sex tips piece from the queen of hot sex.

We love candlelight, too. Thanks, Shar, for drawing our attention to how romantic it can be.

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Hard Love and How to Fuck in High HeelsTo see Shar and Jackie in one of Fatale’s bestselling DVDs, check out Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels. Tristan Taormino (Pucker Up, Village Voice) wrote: “Dyke drama at its finest, Hard Love is the story of two former girlfriends who can’t resist a last roll in the hay….The plot’s climax between the exes—Strano and newcomer C.C. Bell—is genuine, explosive, and one of the best lesbian sex scenes ever made.”


Friday, October 1st, 2010

Facebook invitations are a dime a dozen, and we ignore most of them. But every now and then, some invite captures our imagination…or plain old curiosity.

An invitation to like “Love”—just Love with a capital L, nothing more—sounded worthwhile. Who doesn’t like love? Who doesn’t love to be loved?

Well, we did see that tables-turned HBO documentary Teenage Paparazzo. Maybe love can go too far.

Ditto with stalking. Which is kinda what the paparazzi do on a regular basis. And we love them for it, those camera-wielders.

From the “Like” Love area we moved on to see what else had recently been posted, and we found io9’s piece “about this weekend’s conference for brainy pervs,” “The future of sexology comes to San Francisco with the Arse Elektronika conference.” Great photo.

Carol Queen We recommend Saturday evening “Making Spaces for Sex: From Rituals to Parties to Playa” hosted by Carol Queen. 8:30 PM. There’s more information at Monochrom.

Carol Queen, in case you don’t know, instructs and stars in (with hubby Robert Morgan) Fatale’s bestselling Bend Over Boyfriend. Worth a look, if you haven’t seen this or tried it yourself.

When it comes to science fiction and sex, though, to our minds nobody tops Shar Rednour’s Sugar High Glitter City when it comes to pure dyke sci-fi sex.

Named “Best Lesbian Porn” by, there’s some of the hottest dildo action in this we’ve ever seen.

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. Click here to see all Fatale’s videos.

Lusty Masturbators Unite

Friday, October 1st, 2010

If you haven’t seen Delaware Tea Party darling GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell talking against masturbation, do it. This must-see video is absolutely precious…and laugh-out-loud funny.

Snip: “You can’t masturbate without lust in your heart.”

Snip: “If he already knows what pleases him, and he can please himself, then why am I in the picture?”

Oh, honey!

This just in…

September 17, 2010
Delaware Masturbators March Against O’Donnell
Largest Pro-wanking Demonstration in History

WILMINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – Galvanized by Republican senatorial
nominee Christine O’Donnell’s anti-masturbation stance, masturbators
from across the state converged on Wilmington today in what some are
calling the largest pro-wanking protest in American history.

Read more at The Borowitz Report.

Thank you, Andy Borowitz!

Are you a lusty masturbator? Vote now!

September Bestsellers from Fatale

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Fatale bestselling DVDs for the month of September 2010. Off the list this month—The Crash Pad and Coming Home and  in with female ejaculation and Ms. Hussy’s amateur dyke goodie.

Bend Over Boyfriend1. Bend Over Boyfriend.
Nuff said. The authority on how to bend your boyfriend over.




Bend Over Boyfriend 22. Bend Over Boyfriend 2
Lots of wild pegging here in the follow-up to the perennial bestseller Bend Over Boyfriend.



Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels3. Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels.
A masterpiece from Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano featuring a “multiracial cast of real queer girls.”

Named “Best Lesbian Porn” by


4. How to Female Ejaculate: Find Your G-Spot.
The classic guide to finding your G-spot by female ejaculation expert Deborah Sundahl.




5. Afterschool Special and Turn Me Up Over and On.
This double DVD is an amateur-dyke lover’s dream. FHM wrote about Afterschool Special:

“There’s a schoolgirl gangbang, more dildos than you can shake a stick at, and dykes masturbating in every corner.”

See all Fatale’s lesbian videos.
See all Fatale’s videos.

Sport Sex * Lusty Masturbator?

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Last month, we asked: Are you a fan of sport sex?

Not a whole lot of arousal, but you can check out the results here:

When Christine O’Donnell said in that eye-popping 1990s’ video, “You can’t masturbate without lust in your heart,” we couldn’t resist wondering:

Are you a lusty masturbator?

Vote now! The poll is on Fatale’s home page.

(If you missed the O’Donnell video, you can watch it at YouTube.)

Stay tuned. We’ll give you the results of the poll next month.

Until then, we wish you dazzling hot sex!

Nan and Christi

Back to School

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

September already, and the 9/11anniversary has passed, albeit with protests on the street regarding the Muslim mosque that is slated to go into the old Burlington Coat Factory two blocks from ground zero. Christi has been on the East Coast for a couple weeks, closer to the fray.

The Pope has reiterated the Catholic Church’s opposition to gay marriage…so what else is new, right?

Watching all the Catholic school kids headed off to school in their uniforms after Labor Day, we were inspired to get out Afterschool Special, the knock-‘em-dead amateur porn flick by “Miss Hussy.” She gathered a posse of her college dyke friends and shot the whole thing.

What a party! Makes us long for school again, with all those delicious bodies ripe for the taking.

If you haven’t seen it lately, we highly recommend this lesbian classic.

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. See  more about Afterschool Special and Turn Me Up Over and On.

Sex on the Beach: Postcard from Florida

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

During a visit to Florida recently, Christi watched one evening as couples gathered on the beach near sundown, some of them under cabanas but mostly just sprawled on towels, lying face-up to watch the evening sky darken.

A long line of airplanes, lit like planets in themselves, were aligned across the eastern sky, each of them headed toward Miami. Behind the beach runs the Hollywood (Florida) boardwalk where couples strolled hand in hand and restaurants filled with hungry diners.

Hollywood FL boardwalk

It was after Labor Day and before “winter,” as the locals call it here—that time when northerners descend on the state and locals “can’t get a place to park.”

It was steamy and sexy all at once. Those couples lying on the beach, couples holding hands on the boardwalk, all lost in private reverie.

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Female Ejaculation for CouplesTo see a good DVD for couples in love, check out Female Ejaculation for Couples.