Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

New Poll: Your Porn Style?

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Last month, we wondered about your favorite way to celebrate Gay Pride. And guess what? Sex was in the air! Check out the results.

This month, we’ve been playing around with Fatale Media on Pinterest, so naturally we’ve been thinking about style. And we wonder:

What’s your porn style?

Vote now! The poll is on Fatale’s home page and is completely anonymous.

We’ll give you the results next month.

Until then, we wish you deliciously hot sex,

Nan and Christi

Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels lesbian DVDP.S. If you haven’t seen Shar Rednour, the style mistress herself, we recommend the bestselling Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels.

Satisfaction…Getting No?

Friday, May 4th, 2012

Wendy Delorme Sexual Satisfaction and Female EjaculationThe issue of women’s satisfaction in bed has been of more than passing interest to us since the beginning. After all, that’s how Fatale Media came of age.

Our friend Deborah Sundahl, known also as “Ask Fanny,” is our very own female-ejaculation expert who knows a thing or two about women’s satisfaction in bed. After all, she teaches women and couples how to expand their relationships and how to achieve sexual satisfaction they couldn’t have dreamed of before.

Curious, we asked Deborah what questions she gets most often about sex. In response, she sent us a new “Ask Fanny” column.

  • What is “the urge to female ejaculate”?
  • Why can’t a woman have G-spot orgasms each time she and her partner make love?

These are the questions Deborah addresses in her Q&A “The Urge to Female Ejaculate,” and in her female-ejaculation workshops.

Yours in good love and sex,

Christi and Nan

P.S. Deborah’s next female ejaculation for couples workshop is to be held in Seattle, June 1-3, 2012. You can also experience one of Deborah’s workshops in Female Ejaculation: The Workshop.

P.P.S. Check out all Fatale’s DVDs.

Ask Fanny: The Urge to Female Ejaculate

Friday, May 4th, 2012

Deborah Sundahl G-Spot ExpertG-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot.

Dear Fanny,

My partner ejaculates now and then, and we are wondering how to make it happen all the time. We have been together about 12 years now, and she often feels “uncomfortable” in her pelvis area after lovemaking.

Jacob from Olympia, WA

Dear Jacob,

You are not alone in wanting to know how to make female ejaculation happen all the time, or at least when you’d like it to. This is a common question for many couples. The uncomfortable feeling of pressure that she is experiencing after you make love is female ejaculate that has not had a chance to be released. What to do?

First off, remember it is okay if a woman does not ejaculate every time she makes love. To put that kind of pressure on her—really, on both of you—is to run the risk of making the female ejaculate stop altogether, which it will.

Next, here are some of the possible reasons why your partner is not ejaculating every time the two of you make love:

• Oftentimes, women mistake the urge to ejaculate as the urge to pee and therefore clamp down on the urge to ejaculate.

• Women don’t always trust that this is indeed female ejaculate, and therefore (almost instinctively), they don’t let go, physically and emotionally.

• Most women are not aware of the many sensations inside the vagina, including the G-spot’s erotic sensations. In order to ejaculate, a woman needs to be more aware of these varied sensations. It may seem counterintuitive, but this lack of awareness actually can lead a woman to control her ejaculate so it won’t release; she holds back; she doesn’t trust the urge to ejaculate.

The best way that I have determined from teaching my female-ejaculation and the G-spot workshops for many years now is to do a meditation massage session, at least five of these in the space of 2-3 weeks.

G-spot massage allows a woman to connect with the vaginal and G-spot sensations of pleasure. This is not about masturbating per se, stimulating the G-spot to pleasure; this is about getting acquainted via touch with one’s G-spot in a deeper way than just knowing how to stimulate it to create pleasure.

The end result is of course more pleasure and more control in a good way over the ability to female ejaculate.

And, just as importantly but far more overlooked, you and your partner benefit from gaining an intimate knowledge with what the G-spot feels like when it is not in high-gear, erotic performance mode.

By trying massage, women feel so much more connected to their G-spots and to the “urge to ejaculate.” Through this process, a woman becomes conscious of her ability to control her ejaculate. This means she no longer holds back, but understands how to ejaculate whenever she wants (or not)!

Next time, we’ll discuss how to massage your G-spot. Stay tuned!


P.S. Deborah Sundahl teaches these skills to couples in her annual weekend workshop for couples, taking place this year on a lovely island just west of Seattle, June 1-3, 2012.

P.P.S. Experience a workshop with Deborah Sundahl’s bestselling Female Ejaculation: The Workshop and Female Ejaculation for Couples.


Where to Begin: 5 Suggestions for the First Time

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

We got an interesting e-mail the other day, from someone asking for a suggestion on ordering his first porn video. He wanted to know what we thought were one of our “better videos.” His friends are lesbian, and he wanted to surprise them.

Here’s what we suggested for a “first lesbian porn video”:

1. Coming Home. This romantic bestseller by Carolyn Caizzi features a big curvy butch/femme couple you won’t soon forget.

2. The Crash Pad. There’s an element of mystery in this bestseller, with the shiver of voyeurism. Felice Newman wrote that The Crash Pad “features the hottest lesbian sex scenes I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing.”

Then we’d recommend any of these:

3. One Night Stand. The club scene, with great music. Those French dykes know what they’re doing! AVN wrote, “[Emilie] Jouvet, like Goddard before her, dares to capture lightning in a bottle.”

Sugar High Glitter City

4. Sugar High Glitter City. Glam fun, playful and fanciful.

5. Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels is another good “first” choice if you like it rough. Indeed it’s a Fatale Media bestseller and has a variety of sexy scenes.

What would you recommend for a “first-time” video? Click Post a Comment below and let us know what you think.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. See more about and read reviews of our favorite dyke videos.


Your Letters: Changing Women’s Lives

Friday, April 13th, 2012

One recent comment here on the Fatale Media Blog we wanted to share with you:

I am so grateful to Fatale Media. Just received my DVDs yesterday and “Female Ejaculation: The Workshop” has already changed three women’s lives!

We were so ready for this information, and now we are going to share it with everyone we know!! I watched the first 47 minutes and then went to the shower, used my dildo for 30 seconds and ejaculated!

I have had an ejaculation before, but now I understand how to do it! Hooray! thanks thanks thanks!!!

You are very welcome!

Female Ejaculation the WorkshopChanging women’s lives—for the better—makes us very, very happy.

Deborah Sundahl’s work on female ejaculation and the G-spot has been groundbreaking and like no other.

In addition to Female Ejaculation: The Workshop, check out another of Deborah’s videos about how to female ejaculate: Female Ejaculation for Couples.


In the Spring

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Christi and Nan's apricot tree March 2012Easily a month earlier than usual, trees and flowers are blooming.

“In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.”

So wrote Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the great Victorian poet, in “Locksley Hall.”

Here are our favorite frolics to celebrate springtime, good for lovers, good for romance, good for hookups!

• Corny as it sounds, our favorite way to welcome spring is to take a walk. Hold hands. Sip an iced coffee along the way. Say hello to the neighbors…or not…

• Have lunch at the beach. Pretend it’s your first date.

• Talk to Me BabyNo beach in sight? Find a low-lit Italian place and talk dirty to each other. It’s even more fun during the day.

• Borrow a friend’s dungeon. Okay, everybody doesn’t have a friend with a dungeon. But making love in somebody else’s “crash pad” is terribly sexy. Bring your own toys.

• Single and randy? Pick up a girl. Hit your favorite bar or coffee shop, make contact and take her home. Indulge yourself in a one-night stand.

• Go dancing. All that heat and sweat and oozing energy feeds the libido like nothing else.

• Special Delivery Do yourself. To celebrate springtime, you have all the power in your hot little hand.

Don’t’ forget to post your sexy moments on Facebook. Fatale Media’s Facebook wall welcomes your posts too. Be coy. We love a tease!

Happy spring!

Yours in good love and sex,

Christi and Nan

P.S. Don’t forget to check out Live Sex Show starring Jiz Lee and Nina Hartley—a springtime inspiration if there ever was one!

P.P.S. Check out all Fatale’s DVDs.

Deborah Sundahl on Tour

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Deborah Sundahl Female Ejaculation ExpertG-spot expert and female-ejaculation queen Deborah Sundahl—you may also know her as Fatale Media columnist “Ask Fanny”—is headed on tour, beginning in California on April 3, 2012 at the Pure Pleasure Store in Santa Cruz, California.

After California, she heads up the West Coast to Oregon and Washington. More information about these free, informative lectures is available at .

In addition to these lectures, there are one-day G-spot workshops for women. These all-day workshops are very reasonable at $95.

Female Ejaculation Workshops:

April 7, 2012
Sonoma County, CA
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Cost $95
Contact: Deborah Sundahl

April 22, 2012
Portland, OR
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost $95
Lotus Heart Center

For more information, contact: Deborah Sundahl

Later in the year Deborah is headed to Germany. Stay tuned for more information!

Female Ejaculation for CouplesP.S. Deborah’s bestselling DVDs Female Ejaculation: The Workshop and Female Ejaculation for Couples give you a great way to experience a G-spot workshop from the comfort of your home.

Top 5 Favorite Butch Porn Movies

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Shine Louise HoustonSexy dyke movies that star butches—we can’t get enough of butch-femme scenes, and when you’re in the mood, the butch-butch scenes are delicious.

There is no question that Jackie Strano and Shar Rednour’s S.I.R. Video and the one and only Shine Louise Houston feature more butches in their movies than other directors.

It was hard to pick our favorites, but here goes—our Top 5 Favorite Butch Porn Movies:

The Crash Pad1. The Crash Pad. By now the standard-bearer and the place to begin if you’re new to the movies of award-winning Shine Louise Houston. Winner of “Hottest Dyke Sex Scene” from the Feminist Porn Awards, the DVD was also named “Best Lesbian Porn” by

There are so many beautiful butches in here, and such exquisite butch-femme sex, we can watch this again and again and again…It’s a turn-on every time.


Hard Love Starring Jackie Strano2. Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels. Hard Love stars the gorgeous butch Jackie Strano and her lover and femme-in-arms Shar Rednour. Also named “Best Lesbian Porn” by, they said:

“This super sexy double DVD from S.I.R. videos features a multiracial cast of real queer girls, plenty of dildo action, real orgasms…”



Sexy Dallas Stars in Champion3. Champion. Another winner from Shine Louise Houston, Champion stars Syd Blakovich and takes us right into the Mixed Martial Arts ring, up against sexy, feisty, passionate Dallas. Fleshbot wrote:

‘Champion’ delivers, and it delivers in style. The film follows the story of fighting champion Jessie (played by newly discovered Crush Object Syd Blakovich), a dyke Casanova who’s conquered as many women out of the ring as she has in. But despite her history of success, things start to get rocky for Jessie. Will her hard dyke image ruin her career?”


Butch Fire from Full Load4. Full Load. Director Barbara DGenevieve trains her camera on butches with an unerring eye–she loves the butch bottoms, the butches who love their femmes, the butches who aren’t afraid to play.

Butch Fire” is a scene that dives right into the butch-butch rough-and-tumble, with no holds barred.

“This is a tasty video,” wrote Greta Christina in On Our Backs. “Butch and FTM fans, load up.”


The Crash Pad Series Volume 25. The Crash Pad Series Volume 2. It was really hard to pick among the Crash Pad Series DVDs…Shine Louise Houston peppers her casts with butches who are so handsome and self-possessed it’s hard to say which one is “best.” Jake and Wilder, way to go!

But after The Crash Pad, we love The Crash Pad Series Volume 2 for its real butch action. Butch-butch and butch-femme scenes make this a must-see!



Saturday, March 3rd, 2012


Throughout the years, we’ve met people in open relationships. Call it polyamory or, as some people prefer, polyfidelity.

A few years ago “polyamory” piqued the interest of journalists. The Daily Beast wondered if polyamory was the “next sexual revolution.Big Love was big on HBO, and while the Book of Mormon was still in development, Mitt Romney was already planning his 2012 comeback as a presidential candidate.

Polyamorous Percolations is a blog that focuses on polyamory in the news. If you’re curious, it’s a good place to get the gist of poly “issues,” and there are issues. But clearly there’s also a lot of pleasure.

What struck us was the way some triads and foursomes (and moresomes) identified as straight, lesbian or bisexual.

We also stumbled upon a good article reprinted from Autostraddle called “Queer Polyamory for Lesbians.”

Speaking of Autostraddle, congratulations to them for winning three 2012 Webbies last Sunday and scooping up the coveted “Weblog of the Year.”

We love especially their NSFW Lesbosexy Sundays.

Yours in good love and sex,

Christi and Nan

P.S. One of our favorite flicks with a steamy dyke threeway is Shine Louise Houston’s Superfreak. Here’s a blog post listing the others, Good Lesbian PolyPleasure7 must-see movies.


Good Lesbian PolyPleasure

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Here is a list of 7 lesbian movies, in no particular order, that celebrate polyamory, or feature group sex, in one or more scenes:

Superfreak Best Dyke Sex SceneSuperfreak. Shine Louise Houston’s steamy flick starring Madison Young won the Feminist Porn Awards “Best Dyke Scene,” and we know why. In the last scene, when Lorelei Lee arrives late to this all-queer party, and Dana DeArmond and Princess Donna jump her bones “as if they’re starving for sex and she’s and the last woman on Earth….One of the hottest scenes I’ve ever seen in a porn.” – All Sex Reviews


The Wild Search threeway with Jiz LeeThe Wild Search. Also from Shine Louise Houston is the retitled Wild Search (formerly In Search of the Wild Kingdom). “Funny, entertaining dialogue interspersed with very hot and believable sex scenes, and a multiracial cast of real queer women,” wrote, naming Wild Search in its lineup of “Best Lesbian Porn.” Wil and Papi take the delectable Jiz Lee in an orgasm-inducing threeway worth every moment.


Sugar High Glitter CitySugar High Glitter City. Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano star in this sci-fi fantasy that culminates in a wild femme-femme-butch menage a trois. wrote: “Laced with massive dildos and luscious candy, Sugar High Glitter City is sure to keep you tuned in and turned on from erotic and impassioned love-making to down-and-dirty, kinky sex.”


Afterschool Special. Lesbian gangbang at its finest.

FHM said it best: “This video was so excellent, I couldn’t believe it was filmed by amateurs (but I’ve been promised that’s the truth). There’s a schoolgirl gangbang, more dildos than you can shake a stick at, and dykes masturbating in every corner. The star of the film is an adorable, innocent-looking schoolgirl with enormous size-E boobies…”


Seven Minutes in HeavenSeven Minutes in Heaven. Courtney Trouble’s queer gonzo is wall-to-wall sex. These girls are hot!

From Viviane’s Sex Carnival: “Where one scene ends, the other begins and  the sex and play seems to go on forever, with bodies changing places, a new  strap-on here, a new twosome, threesome or foursome reveling in hot, sexy, authentic, queer, smoldering, diverse,  inter-racial hardcore sex.”


Suburban DykesSuburban Dykes. The classic lesbian threesome starring Nina Hartley, Pepper and Miss Sharon Mitchell. The sweet suburban, curious couple (Nina and Pepper) decide to hire a lesbian escort…and the fun really begins when Miss Sharon Mitchell shows up!