Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

Sexy Halloween Dress-up

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Sugar High Glitter City DVDHalloween is one of our favorite times of the year, because we can play dress-up! We’ve dressed up now and then on past Halloweens, and sometimes during the year too, but this year we thought we’d just watch other people dress up and have sex.

Our favorite dress-up sex DVDs are Sugar High Glitter City–voted “Best Lesbian Porn” by–and Courtney Trouble’s Nostalgia.

The discerning judges at wrote about S.I.R. Video’s Sugar High Glitter City starring Shar Rednour: “A delightful combo of hot filth and pseudo-sci-fi…”

Lesbian_Threeway_NostalgiaNostalgia is another beast altogether. The doctor and nurse dress-up scenes are by turns funny and frightening in only a way that a true parody can be scary.

The staged lesbian threeway…kind of a performance art parody…starts the action, and Courtney Trouble just takes it from there.

We urge you to have some fun this Halloween too. Especially because it’s a Saturday night, you can stay up all night long guilt-free, sleep in on Sunday and just plain enjoy your sweetheart.

What Do Gay Girls Want?

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Do gay girls like anal? We’ve been surprised at how many people are trying to find the answer to this pressing question.

In our experience, lesbians like most anything, assuming the act is approached with a level of communication and not just plunged in. If you get our drift… There are a lot of options down there, and women are no different than anyone else when it comes to enjoying sex.

We’re headed to Washington, D.C., next weekend to see Christi’s sister and her wife. Yes, you read that right. They got married in Massachusetts last summer and are now hosting a weekend-long party for friends and family. Too bad we just missed the March on Washington.

We always figured we’d get married…and then we realized we already were—in spirit and form and function. Our rings still do mean something and represent our decade-plus commitment to each other.

Does this mean some lesbians simply want sex and others need and/or want marriage and others just want to watch episodes of The L Word? Nothing against The L Word, mind you. Or maybe all three?

Courtney Trouble wrote a good piece exploring these notions in “Hot ’n’ Heavy” for this month’s issue of Curve Magazine.

Tell us: What do you want? Click on the Comments below and tell us!

Meanwhile, any suggestions for where to find fun, sexy dykes in D.C., let us know!

Fatale Recommends: Courtney Trouble

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

Courtney Trouble is a new voice on the scene of queer porn and erotic exploration. Two new DVDs show her imagination and sensibility, and are now available at Fatale!

Roulette by Courtney TroubleCourtney Trouble’s Roulette is a good starting point to getting into Courtney’s groove. Her humor comes through as well as her keen eye. The first scene in Roulette is a tender real-life-lovers lesbian scene. There is a trailer on this page – – so check it out!

If you like Full Load and The Crash Pad and its subsequent series, you’ll like Courtney Trouble’s Roulette.

Nostalgia by Courtney TroubleAlso directed by Courtney Trouble, Nostalgia is a tongue-in-cheek (not that kind of cheek!) exploration of the early days of porn. Trouble features all manner of butches, femmes and other dykes. There is one disturbing scene in here, but in our opinion it is redeemed by the sexy fourway romp between two big girls and their girlfriends.

Good deal: When you buy Roulette and Nostalgia together and you’ll save 15%.

See all Fatale’s DVDs.

Courtney Trouble’s Rough-and-Tumble

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Curve Magazine October 2009Check out the latest issue of Curve Magazine and the corollary online article “Hot ’n’ Heavy” by queer porn diva Courtney Trouble.

These lesbian porn flicks Courtney recommends are available right now at Fatale Media:

Number one on the list—and we fully agree—is S.I.R. Video’s Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels.

Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano show dykes for what we really are in this butch/femme tour de force. Courtney writes, “Shar shines as the resident high femme bringing loads of lesbian lust and an appreciation for stilettos.”

Also on Courtney’s Curve list:

  • One Night StandShar and Jackie’s Sugar High Glitter City . “[T]his film has some of the hottest sex we’ve ever seen between two girls on-screen.”
  • Fatale’s One Night Stand, “a one-of-a-kind peek in to Paris’ underground queer sex scene.”
  • Shine Louise Houston’s Champion – “The sex is simply gorgeous” – and The Crash Pad, “Don’t you wish all porn was this hot?”

We could say that about all these knockouts Courtney Trouble lists. Courtney herself is an up-and-coming queer filmmaker we’re watching closely. In fact, we’re carrying her new Roulette and Nostalgia.

So if you haven’t seen these “hot ’n’ heavy,” rough-and-tumble movies, check them out here at Fatale.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Roulette and Nostalgia

Thursday, October 1st, 2009
Photo: Tiger Shae

Photo: Tiger Shae

Courtney Trouble’s queer porn DVDs are new at Fatale and highly recommended.

Roulette is a mix of scenes that range from the tender opening lovemaking between two real-life lesbian lovers to a music video by Emilie Jouvet to a late-night masturbatory milk binge.

Nostalgia gives a nod to the late Marilyn Chambers, and Courtney Trouble’s tongue-in-cheek humor comes through in this queer parody

There are trailers on these pages too.

And when you buy Roulette and Nostalgia together and you’ll save 15%.

See all Fatale’s DVDs.

Courtney Trouble’s New Queer Vision

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Courtney Trouble is a new voice on the scene of queer porn and erotic exploration. Two new DVDs show her imagination and sensibility, and are now available at Fatale!

Roulette by Courtney TroubleRoulette is a good starting point to Courtney’s humor and vision. The first scene in particular is lovely, a tender lesbian scene between real-life lovers. We liked the all-dyke gangbang, too, with a moll and a barroom full of gangsters. And don’t miss the lace-clad stripper who douses herself with nice cold milk straight from the fridge. 

If you like Full Load: Scenes from ssspread, you’ll like Courtney Trouble. And if you like The Crash Pad and its subsequent series, you’ll especially like Roulette.

Nostalgia, also directed by Courtney Trouble, takes a different direction than Roulette. Here we have queer porn parody—for sure chockablock with butches, femmes and all manner of dykes, but with a tongue-in-cheek nod to the early days of porn. One disturbing scene in here is redeemed in the end with a sexy fourway romp between two big girls and their girlfriends.

Nostalgia by Courtney TroubleIf you buy both Roulette and Nostalgia, you get 15% off.

Two especially good things? In Nostalgia, you’ll see Carol Queen in the first scene—love that vibrator! Also, a short by Emilie Jouvet is a welcome surprise tucked between two other scenes in Roulette.

Courtney Trouble is highly recommended. Enjoy.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Sex Tips: Sex for One for Two

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Masturbating with your partner is a tried-and-true “sex tip” said to get you in the mood for penetration. But we think solo sex can be fun when one partner merely watches. Something interesting happens. The sexual energy changes; the dynamics between the two of you change.

Masturbating while your lover watches can be scary at first. You’re completely vulnerable. Whether you’re in a hot tub with your pussy up against the streaming jets of water or whether you’re lying in bed with the vibrator turned on high, you have to force yourself into your body, purely into your own space, allowing yourself to really feel what you feel. To let your clit take over.

But once you let go, the trust seems to deepen…and okay, we’ll admit it, the desire for more–including penetration–often takes over.

What’s the best way to begin? Talking to your lover is always good advice, but having a vibrator at the ready also helps.

Try pulling it out and smiling suggestively. Let the little thing buzz. If you’ve got music or a video on, the buzzing won’t make it seem like you’ve taken up beekeeping.

If your partner wants to participate, just say, “I’ll be all yours in a moment, honey. I just want to try something different.”

Watching is a great turn-on. You can talk dirty, or caress your lover’s face or breasts without distracting her.

Nina Hartley and PepperThere’s some fabulous porn that can inspire a solo scene with your partner too. Suburban Dykes has a wonderful side-by-side masturbation scene with Nina Hartley and Pepper together on a phone sex line. Whoa, mama!

We’re also partial to the Mystery Masturbator in Take Her Down!–explicit and actually a good how-to for those of you who feel squeamish or unsure how to actually get things going down there.

If you’re into anal, we recommend Greta’s vignette in Clips with an anal self-loving scene that will open you up for sure!

Our friend Cory Silverberg has compiled some straightforward how-to advice at And don’t forget our good friend Betty Dodson, the queen of masturbation and author of the classic Sex For One.

One last word of advice, let yourself go. Don’t stop till you’ve come at least once!
Want more lovers’ masturbation tips? Check out “Masturbation for Lovers.”

Note: “Sex for One for Two” originally appeared in a slightly different form in the January 2004 Fatale Media newsletter.

That Door to Your Temple

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Karen Williams
“Kick open that door to your temple and let people in!”

So says Karen Williams, and watching once again her 2008 live show from the Knitting Factory in Hollywood is a good wakeup call.

We say yes! It’s time. Forget that moan-and-groan, I-don’t-wanna-have-sex attitude. Sex is good, and good for you. Sex is fun. Sex is real.

So quit whimpering and get inspired. Dress up. Get loose. Strap on. Try something you’ve never tried before.

And if you need some true inspiration, watch a sexy DVD. You won’t regret it.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Sex Tips: Where’s My Pole???

Friday, August 14th, 2009

by Shar Rednour
I remember Fanny Fatale doing “Stripping for Your Lover” classes back before every reality star on Earth was installing a pole in her living room. I was at my son’s preschool the other day and all the straight moms were discussing which pole-dancing class to take! They were actually embarrassed that the new mom on the block (me) overheard them. Hilarious.

Dancing to entice your prey is so sexy. My favorite part of One Night Stand is the beginning when they are dancing at the club and end up in a hot bathroom make-out. I love it.

In Hard Love we have a femme Renee stripping for a butch and–I think the first ever butch (Devon) to strip on screen. You can easily watch her moves for tips on how to do this at home. She is not perfect–I actually taught her in the moment on set. And that is a good learning tool.

The pros make it look easy, then you try it and fall down getting off your panties!

Tip 1: Don’t wear panties. Joking. Lie down on your back and stretch your legs above your head to take off your panties. Butches or masculine folks: have your babe or boi pull down your briefs for you to find a big surprise waiting!Finger Sucking JPG_opt

I find the anticipation of sex one of the best ways to get yourself eaten alive.

Tip 2: When doing a striptease, judge your audience. Is your lover (or lovers) going to be able to sit there and wait until the show is over with? Try tying her up to a kitchen chair (with no arms) with your bathrobe sash if think she is going to scoop you up and carrying you off to bed before the show is over with. Did you see how Renee and Devon ravaged each other after the heat factor went up from the stripping?

glove fisting JPG_optI KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING–what’s so bad about being dragged off to bed before the tease is done? Or better yet thrown right down and fucked silly right there on the floor? Well, it is better. If you make them wait, and squirm, and salivate, and make their fists open and close, fingers and cocks rising waiting. Trust me. It’s better.

Tip 3: For those wearing combat boots or any boots: Untie or loosen your laces before you get started. Our PA loved loosening Johnny Fremont’s (Devon’s) laces. I had to slap her to get her out of the shot.

Tip 4: Front-closure bras. That does help.

Tip 5: Zippers not buttons. Whether it’s a long zipper down your back that you need help with or a dykedick hiding under Levi’s fly.

Note: intermediates and pros can handle some buttons of course. Just practice. When there’s no time, grab the clothes with zippers. And if they stick–be prepared to lose the dress forever because you’ll want to just rip it off!

Bonus Tip: You don’t need a pole to strip for your lover.


hard_love_dvdShar Rednour is the femme diva who runs S.I.R. Video with her partner, Jackie Strano. She is also the director of Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels, Sugar High Glitter City and many other sexy DVDs.

Top 5 Bestsellers for July

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Every now and then we like to let you know what’s hot, what’s hopping, what’s selling like hotcakes. So here goes, Faale bestsellers for the month of July, 2009.

Bend Over Boyfriend


1. Bend Over Boyfriend Gift Set – a good special offer, and with the Sizzling Summer Savings, you’ll save even more!






2. One Night Stand – Winner! 2009 Sexiest Dyke Movie




The Crash Pad Series Volume 4 Rope Burn


3. The Crash Pad Series Volume 4 – Rope Burn – Ooh, talk about sizzling!




Female Ejaculation for Couples


4. Female Ejaculation for Couples – a great guide for couples who want to learn how to female ejaculate






5. Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels – the masterpiece from Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano of S.I.R. Video


