Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

Takin’ it to the streets—sex and the public sphere

Friday, May 14th, 2010

The street, the beach, the backseats of cars… On commuter trains, at your desk, in the office elevator… On pool tables, in bars, in public restrooms…

These are just a few public masturbation dens. Yummy!

Masturbating in a carHere are some of our favorite reader comments so far:

“I like to do it in my car while I am driving. One time I orgasmed as I was transitioning from the 15 freeway to the 805 in very heavy traffic. Now that I am a little older and live in a rural community, I like to take my convertible out for a drive in the summer evenings while naked. Could someone please spank me?”

“Bathroom at boot camp.”

“I did it in the forest while searching for mushrooms in France. I went off the track behind bushes and sat down. I had great orgasm and squirt.”

You can submit your own comment here at the blog.

What about toys? Vibrators? Almost no one has mentioned using toys or vibrators, although a couple comments specifically mention the squeezing together of legs or using a water jet to get off.

Tell us! We want to know. What’s the most public place you’ve masturbated?

We think voyeurism counts too, especially Christi, having lived in New York City for so many years. When does your apartment become a public space? What about a beach house? Same issue?

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Talk to Me BabyP.S. Need some inspiration? Put on Talk to Me Baby: A Lover’s Guide to Dirty Talk and Role Play, and just revel in the sound of Shar Rednour’s voice. Oh, sweet honey.

P.P.S. You can see all Fatale’s DVDs here.

Masturbation Moment

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

Spring has sprung, and it seems that the sweetness in the air is translating to a renewed sexual desire to experiment, to play, to surrender to the senses.

May used to be devoted to masturbation, but we haven’t seen a whole lot going on nationally this year. Still, we were curious to see a question put out there on another Web site about the “most public places” you’ve masturbated. So that’s the basis for our main poll question this month: How often do you masturbate?

(You can vote on Fatale’s home page.)

After you vote, you get a bonus question: What is the most public place you’ve ever masturbated? Tell us! You can be as anonymous as you want to. Simply put only your first name or a pseudonym in the “Name” section of the Comments when they come up. Your e-mail and Web address (if you have one) will not be published.

Don’t be shy! Vote now.

We’ll see you in a couple weeks. For now, we’re headed off for a sexy weekend away to celebrate Nan’s birthday. Whether or not you’re in the mood for a weekend away, we hope you have some sexy fun alone or with your partner(s)!

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. One of our favorite masturbation solo acts in a lesbian video is in The Crash Pad Series Volume 3. Dylan, having watched from inside a curtained closet the steamy sex scene between two lovers, throws herself on the bed after they leave. It is still, in our opinion, the best scene in the movie.

Top 5 Bestsellers for Spring 2010

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

Here are the top 5 bestselling DVDs from Fatale for the first four months of 2010 – get ’em while they’re hot!

Bend Over Boyfriend Gift Set1. Bend Over Boyfriend

– “Many straight guys love anal penetration because it allows them to relax and receive passive pleasure.” – Playboy.


2. Bend Over Boyfriend 2

– “It’s rare that an ‘educational’ movie is able to straddle the line between information and hot sex, but BOB 2 does it.” –



 3. One Night Stand

– “The porn for you if you like your lesbians real, your fucking diverse, your pussies wet and your tranny boys hung.” – Slutgrrls



Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels4. Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels

– “Dyke drama at its finest, Hard Love is the story of two former girlfriends who can’t resist a last roll in the hay….The plot’s climax between the exes—[Jackie] Strano and newcomer C.C. Bell—is genuine, explosive, and one of the best lesbian sex scenes ever made.” – Tristan Taormino, Village Voice



Coming Home by Carolyn Caizzi5. Coming Home

– “The first of this series of vignettes features a big, curvy butch-femme couple: the deliciously hot women we never get to see in mainstream porn…” –, “Best Lesbian Porn”



See all Fatale’s sexy DVDs.

Ask Fanny: Exercising Your G-Spot

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot. You may send your questions to; please put FE Q&A in the subject line.

Dear Deborah,
Is it true that a woman’s G-spot is like a muscle and that if you don’t exercise it then you can’t ejaculate?

Caroline, New York

Dear Caroline,
In general, yes to your question. Use it or lose it, as they say. 

But as I have been saying for many years now, the G-spot is not a muscle or a wildly erotic spot on the vagina. The G-spot is the female prostate, which we feel through the roof of the vagina, and all women of course have a prostate just like all men do!

“Not using it” is a female ejaculation slumber that most women are now waking up from, thank goodness!  All women can ejaculate, by the way, if they want to. Please don’t pressure yourself to ejaculate if you don’t want to.  And also apply the no-pressure rule if you are learning. Relax and enjoy the process.

Good luck!


Want to find out more about female ejaculation?

Check out Deborah Sundahl’s popular sex-education DVD Female Ejaculation for Couples and her equally popular book, Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot.

Reawakening Desire

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Springtime is truly here. The trees are blooming, baseball has started, and temperatures are rising. We’ve been thinking about sex, how the springtime air and the shedding of heavy coats and sweaters makes the body sing again.

Our friend Deborah Sundahl was visiting over the Easter holiday and subsequent week that many take as spring break. And she got us thinking about rediscovering the G-spot, and rediscovering the power of female sexuality.

There are still some people who deny the existence of the G-spot and the ability for women to female ejaculate. But Deborah’s longtime dedication to showing the G-spot on video should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind.

If you’re a novice when it comes to the G-spot, start with Deborah’s bestselling classic, How to Female Ejaculate.

If you’re in a couple and want to explore female ejaculation and the G-spot together, try Female Ejaculation for Couples and watch as Deborah guides three straight couples through the steps to achieve this most spectacular of orgasms.

Really, there’s nothing quite like it. And what better time than springtime to allow your body to open up and rediscover pure orgasm like no other in the world.

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. “Adventurous Couples Unite” is a female-ejaculation gift set with three Deborah Sundahl videos. You save 17%.

P.P.S. You can see all Fatale’s DVDs here.

Curing Homosexuality

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Thanks to our friend Chuck, who sent this link along with the comment, “Who in the hell are these people? This law should be gone. This is a 50-year-old law. There are laws in many states being removed every day. The laws were wrong then. It is still wrong in 2010.”

“Law to ‘Cure’ Homosexuality Refuted.”

Datelined Sacramento, California, no less.

Thanks, Chuck. We do appreciate the clips and links!

And in case you missed this gem, check out “Can Animals Be Gay?” by Jon Mooallem in the April 4, 2010, issue of the New York Times Sunday Magazine, about “The science of same-sex pairings in the wild.”

Skirts and Strapons

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

An old friend and customer wrote to us lately asking for statistics on strapons.

He wants to know how many butches are out there really—he calls butches “manly women,” but he may well mean exactly that, straight women who wear a suit and tie. We don’t know of too many straight women who go in men’s clothes. Been a while since Marlene Dietrich did her thing.

He also wants to know how many older women are out trolling for younger men. And how many women who wear strapons like to stroke their strapons.

For all these questions, we have no answers, not being sociologists or even sexologists but rather pornographers.

Here’s our favorite question:
“Are skirts still popular, or are they going out of style? They seem old-fashioned to me. I would prefer to a woman in a pantsuit any day.”

For this we must ask a femme…or a drag queen. And the answer is resoundingly no! Skirts are not going out of style.

Hard Love and How to Fuck in High HeelsThe most popular butch/femme DVD we carry is Hard Love and How to Fuck in High Heels by the gorgeous femme Shar Rednour and her handsome lover Jackie Strano.

Anybody check out Fashion Week last month? “Calf-grazing skirts.”

Lady Gaga in her Muppet SkirtOf course, don’t tell Lady Gaga.

Or her Muppet skirt.

If you have answers or commentary, please let it all out! Click the Comments button here.

We want to know what you think, too.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

Savage, Anal and Bend Over Boyfriend

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Dan Savage does it again with three good questions about anal sex.

We believe Anal Sex NOT My Bag in the first question needs to explore Bend Over Boyfriend!!

Snip: “We’re not terribly adventurous, but we’re not totally vanilla, either. However, there is one issue that is driving me insane: My husband constantly pesters me to have anal sex. We have tried it in the past, and it is NOT my bag. I don’t enjoy it AT ALL.”

Read Dan’s whole column here:

We say, tell your husband to bend over and take a dose of his own desire!


Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

We hope you had a nice, romantic weekend, perhaps a long one like we took, to honor Presidents’ Day here in the U.S.

We started the weekend out slow, watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Vancouver on TV, talking with friends back in New York and Washington, D.C., who were still digging out of the snow.

Valentine’s Day was lovely. Instead of fighting for a spot at one of our favorite restaurants, we decided to make our own romance at home. We lit new candles, dressed up the table and opened a bottle of sparkling wine we’d been saving for just this occasion.

Nan gave Christi beautiful pink and red long-stemmed roses.

Christi baked Nan’s favorite cake, a chocolate sponge cake that seems light as air when you take your first bite.

Here’s the recipe for Julia Child’s chocolate sponge cake , also called Le Marquis. We don’t frost it, preferring just to sprinkle some powdered sugar on top.

Yes, it is terribly romantic to feed each other this delightful, simple chocolate cake. Which of course led to even more romance…in the bedroom

Yes, it was pure indulgence.

Today, we wish we were in New Orleans, celebrating Mardi Gras, eating King Cake and joining the party!

Till next time, yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

P.S. There’s a great food scene in Hungry Hearts, where Pepper and Reeva feed each other strawberries, which would also be good on this chocolate cake! And in Queer Manor, the cupcakes come out to the tune of “Let them eat cupcakes!”

Making Valentine’s Day Romantic

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Sex Expert Shar RednourBy Shar Rednour

Shar’s Confessions once again. I just like confessing to the Fatale audience. I don’t know why.

This article does include some tips for romance. I have been known as a lesbian romance and sex expert, giving advice for years. Let’s get down to it: there’s a line in the sand, my friends–the romantic planning people and the rest of us. Which side are you on? And which side is your love on? Yes, wake her up and read this to her.

For those of you who are just the best organizers and such romantic planners, why are you even reading this? YOU are the person who my wife, Jackie, points out to me, “Veronica is taking her love to Amsterdam.” “Denise has made her love a shadowbox full of ANTIQUED photos and is giving it to her on a ferry going under Golden Gate Bridge!!!”

I think I am being romantic when I remember to send her a nasty text for her lunch hour. Yes, laugh at me. Go ahead. I am laughing at myself. Sometimes even though I am the femme I relate to the guys on those daytime talk shows who think a fuck and buying you a glass of champagne is good enough. “Whaa?”

To be fair to myself, I should explain that oftentimes one’s weakness can be one’s strength because we are aware of it. I overcompensate to make up for my lack of natural romantic planning. Now, I call my friend Veronica and simply ask HER what’s she’s doing, then I copy it. Don’t tell Jackie.

But I am good at keeping intimacy and sex alive in a lesbian coupledom.

Please copy me and I won’t tell on this part.

1) Skip the Dinner
For Valentine’s Day most people go out for a fancy dinner. If you never get to go out and this is your big treat, then by all means go for it. For me, though, I find the fastest ticket to opening up and creating intimacy with your lover doesn’t always start with a heavy meal.

2) Plan where you can be intimate.
Do you live alone? Will you have the house to yourself? If not, instead of spending that money on a big meal, plan for a hotel. On the Internet these days you can get all kinds of bargains in your price range. Get a hotel even if you can’t take advantage of it for more than a couple of hours. And most importantly, get a room with a bathtub. Even if you get a cheap room, get one with a bath.

3) A) Plan sexy food. B) Plan after-sex food.
Obviously it’s freezing in most places so this is up to where you live. Get your and your love’s favorite appetizers. Wine, champagne, whatever drinks or smokes you want. Also water. For after sex, pick up something filling and yummy–your favorite comfort food. Couple of burritos, whatever. Keep them warm and hide them.

4) Pack the Love Bag.
If you are at home, get it all ready. Remember the lube, candles, sex toys, music, DVD player, favorite sexy movies, etc. If you can set up the hotel room ahead of time, without her there, all the better.

5) Pack the after bag.
Comfy clothes, favorite bath salts, lotion.

6) Thoughts and love.
Think ahead of what is special about her and about you two together. Write down your thoughts in a card. Picture how you are going to express yourself to her.

7) Make the Connection.
Start with your tasty bites…I meant the hor d’oeuvres but yes, nibble on her or offer your body for the nibbling. Don’t process the bad times or the old days or–especially if you are a new couple, please don’t process about your Ex! (See Hard Love for that.) Talk about what you like about yourselves as a couple and her and the future. Then start kissing. Don’t wait for her to start stuff. Go for it. Get in there. If you have time do a striptease for her or demand that she do one for you. Fuck your brains out. I mean it. ESPECIALLY if you are moms or caretakers or overworkers or or or not had sex in a while. FILL UP YOUR SEX GAS TANK!!!

Having sex creates vulnerability and also sets off excellent hormones and body responses that make us feel good. Being vulnerable creates a special bond between you and your love.

8 ) After sex and vulnerability.
Lay back and watch more porn, but this time pick out one with humor too. Like Sugar High Glitter City. No, not Lost. Sorry, that’s for a different night. Take a bath. Eat comfort food and get turned on again or laugh and discuss the positions. This time you might just kiss and kiss since your bellies will be full. 😉

Or you’ll be reenergized for round two.