G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the G-spot.
Dear Deborah,
I’d like to learn more about female ejaculation, but I’m not sure how to start. Should I try to find my own G-spot first, before talking to my partner?
Baffled in Baton Rouge
Dear Baffled,
The best way to begin to discover your own G-spot is to treat this important excursion as a relaxing hour of self-care.
As we all know by now, that means: uninterrupted quiet time where you have treated yourself to a long bath, candles, music and other things you truly like and want to partake in that you know relax you.
Then, use lubricant (olive oil works just fine if you don’t have anything else; if Cleopatra used it, you can, too!).
Before proceeding any further, do 12 rounds (in and out) of slow, deep breathing, filling your lungs completely and exhaling completely.
Next, place your finger at the entrance to your vagina and keep it there with very gentle insistence, waiting until your vagina practically scoops your finger inside. Continue to relax and breathe deeply. Don’t push yourself in and don’t push yourself deep. Stay just inside the opening an inch or two, that’s all.
Turn the pad of your finger toward the roof of your vagina. Breathe and relax. Then, millimeter by millimeter, explore all the crevices and folds, caves and ridges of your G-spot. Yes, that’s it. Right there!
But if you don’t approach it in this relaxed and loving manner, you can breeze right by it. Not because it is small, but because we are too busy, in this culture, looking for the Big Prize. It is indeed a Big Prize, but it is wrapped in delicate paper at first, and sometimes we can think we don’t feel anything, or that it hurts, or that it should send us off the planet in instant exquisite pleasure.
Remember, breathe and relax and notice what you feel.
Once you have explored your G-spot once or twice, invite your partner to explore with you. In this way, you will have a new sexual frontier to explore together.
If you’d like more information, the revised, second edition of my book, Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot, is now out and available for sale at Fatale Media. I hope you like it.
Best wishes,
Deborah Sundahl
P.S. Here are Deborah’s upcoming workshops and webinars about female ejaculation and the G-spot:
• “Talk for Men: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot” is a 2-hour evening webinar that runs the first Tuesday of each month. The next “Talk for Men” is Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at 9:00 p.m. EDT. Click here for more information.
• Deborah’s next live “Weekend Workshop for Women” will be held in Muenster, Germany, October 10 – 12 , 2014.
“The workshop was a precious experience of deep intimacy with myself. Beside meeting beautiful and curious women (and having a lot of fun), the group’s experience allowed me to let go, in a trusting atmosphere, supported by the other women’s experiences and energy.” – Maeva, Grenoble, France
Click here to learn more and read other testimonials.
• Want to learn what happens in an in-person female ejaculation workshop? Read “Workshop Etiquette” by Deborah Sundahl.
In Memoriam: Barbara DeGenevieve
Thursday, August 14th, 2014We were lucky enough to have met Barbara DeGenevieve just over 10 years ago. She sent Nan a note about a new project she was working on called ssspread.com, and she had some lesbian porn she wanted to show us.
Thus was born Full Load: Scenes from ssspread.com, which Barbara directed and for which Nan served as executive producer. Greta Christina wrote, “This is a tasty video…butch and FTM fans, load up.”
As relevant today as it was then, Full Load showed explicit lesbian and trans sex. Nan says, “Barbara was one of the first people to really explore lesbian, queer, FTM and trans sex in a porn context.”
She served as chair of the photography department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. As a visual artist, she received two National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artist Fellowships, among other awards and honors.
Out of her Chicago home base, Barbara also served as a mentor to the talented Carolyn Caizzi (Turn Me Up Over and On, Coming Home, Special Delivery) and Stacy Goldate (as Edith Edit, directing Dominatrix Waitrix), each of whom has her own porn style and eye for style.
We had the pleasure of meeting Barbara in person in Santa Fe a few years ago. What fun!
It was with great sadness we learned of her death earlier this week from cervical cancer.
We credit Barbara with bringing a “Chicago porn” style to lesbian and feminist porn. Her influence can be seen in her sense of humor, which is present in nearly everything she touched and created.
Tags:Barbara DeGenevieve, Carolyn Caizzi, Full Load, Stacey Goldate
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