G-spot expert Deborah Sundahl, a.k.a. Fanny Fatale, answers your questions about female ejaculation and the g-spot.
Dear Fanny,
I am asking for your advice on where we go from here. My girlfriend and I have been obsessed with the idea of female squirting. We have watched the DVD Liquid Love and have purchased other information talking about the art of the female orgasm. We have since purchased your DVD How to Female Ejaculate with the hope that it will provide additional insight.
Everything that we have read all indicates that every woman can achieve this type of orgasm. First, is that true or not? Second, if everyone can achieve this sensation, then why don’t more people talk about it?
My girlfriend has a friend who can do this and at first she was ashamed. She thought that there was something abnormal about her and felt uncomfortable addressing the issue until we talked to her about it. She now talks to us openly about it and in a way we have made her feel better about herself and more comfortable with it when it does happen.
We, however, are still chasing a beat that we can’t catch. What can we do?
We live in North Carolina and are wondering if you knew anyone in or close to this area who can coach us through it, through counseling or any other form of instructional therapy.
We have a wonderful relationship and a great sex life, and we know this is not a deal breaker. Everything that we have read, however, indicates that this is the complete orgasm for a woman. Being her lover, and the joy that she brings me, I want to do whatever I can do. Believe me, I am not complaining but female ejaculation has to be the icon of taking it to the next level. Any advice or help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Alan from North Carolina
Dear Alan,
All women can ejaculate, because all women have the anatomy to do so; that is, the female prostate, which is what the G-spot is. Most people still don’t know about female ejaculation because the culture has been certain that it does not exist, or has mistaken it for urine.
We have been told by the medical profession that the female prostate, the G-spot, is vestigial, dried up and nonfunctioning. Well, it is alive and fully functioning and overflowing with that lovely feminine fountain that is female ejaculation!
Correct information goes a long way in getting this charming delight working again. I am an expert on the subject and make it very accessible for women and their partners to understand and to achieve. My book and videos will help you a lot toward that goal.
There are no teachers that I would recommend in your area. Sex education and places to hold such informational workshops are still only available primarily in the Northeast and on the West Coast. I am holding a workshop for couples in Santa Fe, New Mexico, over Labor Day Weekend, September 5-7, 2009. Find out more here.
And I am available by telephone for coaching. Usually, great progress can be made with one phone call.
This unique and special joy awaits you, don’t despair. But pressure to perform will shut it down, so please enjoy your relationship and what you do have.

Do you have a question for Ask Fanny? Send your questions to askfanny@fatalemedia.com
Find out more about Deborah Sundahl’s How to Female Ejaculate.
What Women Want
Sunday, February 1st, 2009Ah! Pervs and weirdos. That’s us.
So imagine our surprise to see the next day, a week ago, the cover story of the New York Times Magazine: “What Is Female Desire?” by the very same Daniel Bergner.
Our first thought: Nobody asked us!
But after reading this fascinating article about women sexologists exploring the inner reaches of female sexuality, we were sold that they’re doing good work.
But we know there are lots and lots of women who know exactly what they want. Is this still an issue? Apparently so.
Here’s the letter Nan sent to the New York Times:
To the Editor:
As someone who has catered to women’s tastes for sexually explicit material for 25 years, I read with interest Daniel Bergner’s article “What Is Female Desire?” and applaud the work of Meredith Chivers and the other sexologists. Although I am not a scientist, I nonetheless have observed over these past 25 years that women will seek out and spend money on sexually explicit material that they know turns them on. In other words, there are plenty of women who know exactly what they want.
Nan Kinney
Fatale Media, Inc.
Tell us what you think women want!
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