A friend has been dating a woman for a few months. They took a long trip to China together, they’ve dated, and he has done everything “right.”
Lo and behold, a sad e-mail arrived the other day: “Our union is off.”
Union? What union? Were they thinking of getting married? Already?
Women need time. For as long as we’ve been lesbians (forever), this is one thing we know for certain.
A few months of dinners and movies and taking a trip, even a long one to China, is not enough time for her to feel secure in marriage.
But, you say, what about shotgun weddings? All those couples who get married right out of high school? All those women who get pregnant and marry in order to give their children a stable home?
We won’t deny that sometimes things move fast. But moving fast is not ideal.
Just as men don’t need nearly as much time in bed in order to orgasm, so too, in bed, most women need more time than men in order to orgasm.
Sure women can fake orgasms. Remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally?
But we women don’t want to fake orgasms. Women want real orgasms and real relationships and real romance.
Fanny Fatale has written extensively on men’s lovemaking habits in order to help them stimulate the g-spot and allow their lovers to ejaculate.
When we were watching The Crash Pad Series Volume 2: Unlocked, women take all the time they want in order to orgasm. Their partners indulge them and give them whatever they need or want. Why rush?
As in lovemaking, men need to go slow with women. Women need to go slow with women. That’s what romance is all about.
Is our take on all this one big generalization? Yes. Are there wide swaths of truth here? You tell us.
Susie Bright Comes to Visit
Friday, August 15th, 2008We had a delightful surprise last week. Susie Bright called to say she was in town. She was headed to visit a friend, to celebrate his 70th birthday with him.
The four of us had a lovely dinner sitting outside at a local restaurant. Afterwards, we took pictures.
The fabulous Susie Bright with Nan Kinney…
Susie and Nan go way back to the first days of On Our Backs magazine, which they co-founded with Deborah Sundahl.
“I became famous for my lesbian sex consulting on Bound, but I learned all my lesbian erotic chops as a young dyke, working on Fatale Video’s first titles,” Susie said when we asked her what she thought of the reunion.
One of those lesbian classics Susie worked on, still a Fatale lesbian bestseller, is Suburban Dykes, starring Nina Hartley and Miss Sharon Mitchell.
Thank you, Susie. You may come back and visit anytime. We’d love to have you again.
Yours in good love and sex,
Nan & Christi
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