More than a few people have asked what Fatale’s bestselling gifts are, so we thought we’d give you the top-five rundown. Thanks to Nan for tallying the numbers, making this list and checking it twice.
1. Bend Over Boyfriend Gift Set
The #1 instructional video on how to pleasure your guy from behind, matched with BOB 2, “more rockin’, less talkin’.”
Perfect for adventurous couples, a curious uncle or your swingin’ BFF.
2. The Crash Pad Series Volume 2
The popular sequel to The Crash Pad and The Crash Pad Series Volume 1 is beautifully filmed and pussy-licking good.
Five scenes for every flavor you can imagine.
3. One Night Stand
New from Fatale, hot dyke porn from Paris.
Just the gift for the gal who’s got it all and seen it all. Wait till she sees the steamy lesbian sex that happens downstairs in this Paris nightclub! Oh, mama!
4. How to Female Ejaculate: Find Your G-Spot
Female ejaculation expert Deborah Sundahl shows you how to find your G spot in this educational DVD. Perfect for couples and solo friends who have always wondered what that gushing is, and how truly wonderful it can be.
5. Hard Love and How to F*ck in High Heels (double DVD)
From Shar and Jackie of S.I.R. Video, this DVD is packed with handsome butch dykes and sultry high femmes.
A great gift to get your lover in the mood for a night of pure passion.
Wondering what to get for your shy friend? Try Coming Home.
Big curvy dykes, tender loving sex, four scenes you won’t easily forget.
Want to see more? Check out all Fatale’s specially priced gift sets.
Until next time, we wish you dazzling hot sex.
Nan and Christi
What’s the Matter with California?
Monday, November 17th, 2008We were elated only a month ago when Connecticut became the third state to legalize gay marriage. Now four short weeks later, it’s the second state.
California voters vanquished the right to gay marriage in passing Proposition 8, overturning the state’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage.
To Connecticut’s credit, voters there declined to pass a call for a constitutional convention in order to overturn gay marriage.
The Los Angeles Times asked last Tuesday in “Prop 8’s Battle Lessons” where the organized gay groups were before Election Day. Valid question.
Barbara Davidson/Los Angeles Times
The streets are overflowing with protestors in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other towns and cities across California. People are angry. And what of the 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who have married in the months since the state’s Supreme Court ruling?
Equally disturbing were the anti-gay-marriage measures passed in Arizona and Florida. Florida went so far as to ban civil unions. Tough luck, Floridians, if you thought a civil union would give you the same legal rights as married people. The Florida measure flies in the face of religious arguments. This is pure homophobia.
In Arkansas, what the New York Times “a disturbing measure” was passed by 57% of the state’s voters. No kids for you, queers!
Dan Savage’s “Anti-Gay, Anti-Family” is worth reading.
Our favorite commentary, “Gay Marriage is a Question of Love,” comes from Keith Olbermann, in which he says, “This is about the human heart, and if that sounds corny, so be it.”
Watch Keith’s valuable commentary here on MSNBC.
Gavin Newsom is no Harvey Milk. We need a new Harvey Milk, one of our own, on the issue of gay marriage. Are you out there?
Yours in good love and sex,
Nan & Christi
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