Ask Fanny – Fake Squirting in Videos?

This comment was originally posted last month in the “What is Squirting?” Ask Fanny Q&A. With Mariste’s permission, we posed the question to the FE Queen herself. 

Dear Fanny,

I have seen videos of this so called “squirting.” It all seems enormously fake. A woman rubs her pussy for less than 30 seconds and then liquid squirts out of her as if from a water cannon. How in the world does this happen? Do they rig her up somehow? Do they make her have a pussy enema and then she holds it in until it’s time to squirt on camera? I really want to know.


Dear Mariste,

Much is exaggerated in porn, because porn is a fantasy for the most part. However, it is true that many women “arc” when they ejaculate, and it is also true that the amount they ejaculate can be half a liter.

Although that is the extreme expression of female ejaculation, it is by no means rare or dramatized. Real women can gush that much fluid, and if they are on their back with no penis inside them, many women’s vaginal (pc) muscles are so strong, they can easily push the ejaculate across the room.

Whew! It is exhilarating to watch, and that is why you see so much showbiz fire hydrant female ejaculation in porn. Porn is a show, after all.

I can’t critique porn scenes on female ejaculation, but I’m quite certain that when female ejaculation becomes more accepted as a mainstream behavior, that the populace will be able to tell a fake from a real, so any shenanigans that the adult stars are doing now to ejaculate will no longer fly.

Meanwhile, I’ve spend my career making female ejaculation not only accessible to the average women, but real. It usually takes about 20 minutes (give or take 10 or so) for a woman to ejaculate. For sure all the stars who do ejaculate in 30 seconds have stimulated themselves for a while before you get to see the “cum shot,” as it is called in porn. This is what is called editing, my dear.


Female Ejaculation: The WorkshopTo see how to really female ejaculate, check out Deborah Sundahl’s new DVD:

Female Ejaculation: The Workshop.

One Response to “Ask Fanny – Fake Squirting in Videos?”

  1. Sandra R says:

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