Beautiful Women

There are beautiful women everywhere we look these days. Strolling down the street in skimpy summer clothes, or towing little kids through airports, or sunbathing on the beach…they’re everywhere.

What makes them beautiful is the sheer self-confidence in their every movement. Something almost ineffable shines through their smiles, in their eyes.

Skinny, fat, pear- or apple-shaped, leggy or stumpy, black and brown and Asian and Anglo, long-haired or cropped, muscular or soft—they exude beauty. If you love women like we do, you’re probably noticing them too.

And if you haven’t looked around lately, do it. There’s something magic in the air.

Talk to us. What do you think makes a woman beautiful? Click here to comment.

Yours in good love and sex,

Nan & Christi

For some gorgeous women in a group scene, check out Afterschool Special.


8 Responses to “Beautiful Women”

  1. Heather Simpson says:

    What makes a woman sexy? So many things. Confidence…that extra umph in their step, in their stare, in their tone. Power. Women are powerful and the ones who know it are sexy as hell. Laid-back…I call it lazy sexuality. It’s that rainy day, slow movement, innocent mentality that some women have that makes you want to go home wash your sheets just so that you can get them dirty again.

  2. Seo Catháin says:

    I absolutely agree with the blog by Nan & Christi. I have noticed it myself. They style of clothes and shape women wear has changed in Ireland also within the last 3 to 5 years and the full beauty of a womans curves is obvious and the clothes today make most women really shine in my own view. I think generally culture has got more sexualised in general and this is a complaint labeled by some parents with children at clothing manufacturers not only of adult clothes but also of teen clothes too.

    Women are beautiful as they always were, but the current clothes style rather than being baggy and asexual/functional now empahsis shape and is figure hugging and this increasing applies to more than just the 20-40s fashions. That is the difference. As regards women themselves, it depends on the country and its culture, most women are more open-minded particularly with regards to no longer seeing adult porn in a negitive way but something that can be shared.

    It makes me think of another point. How sad it is that some men through lack of self-esteem are unable to enjoy the experience of women, wooing them and enjoying them. I suspect quite a few men don’t progress in their relations with women because the circumstances aren’t conducive, maybe they’re not used to pubs etc or chatting up women. I’m talking about straightland of course here.

    On the gay front, I suspect it is much easier to be gay now, or even to be curious and it is now acceptable from a male point of view aswell as a female point of view in hetroalnd for people to experiment.

    It seems sex is good is finally replaceing traditional victorian attitudes of sex being sin.

    Below I perhaps go off the point to make a general comment thinking about the experiences with my lesbian friend and the fact I’m pretty much straight and that I’m unsure to continue frequenting a lesbian club and confusing the patrons.

    I think while there is tolerance of homsexuality in general I do believe there is a certain level of seperation in some societies ie gay club general club.

    I would prefer to see the day when you do not have gay clubs and general clubs but instead the general club where gay people can just be as natural as straight people as the mood takes them, hand in hand, kissing and so on so that gay and straight people are part of 1 culture so that this whole lark of being ‘out’ can be despensed with so that people can just be who they are and get on enjoy without effort.

    So, if a woman can smile, be prepared to lead a guy rather than require him to lead (hetroland) can understand a guys interest in her sexuality because it dazzles men for some reason and if people can recognise the need for self esteem to allow themselves to enjoy another potential partner man or woman, gay or straight then we can all enjoy ourselves and live our short lives more fully.

  3. Christi says:

    Heather, I couldn’t have said it better myself. You captured that “special something” perfectly. Power. “Lazy sexuality.” And it seems like it doesn’t matter if you’re walking down the street, sitting on the subway, at a suburban mall–those special women are there. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Maria Cyber says:

    When the women love their body and they feel it sexy then they flood the air with hedonistic beauty no matter their age, color or weight! But in a city like Athens/Greece with all these hard stereotypes about women’s body, so few women set free the erotism of their body, more they are aware for their weight than love their body.

  5. Ben Kunkel says:

    What makes a woman beautiful??

    Everyone looks at what is on the outside of a woman. To me, I look at what is on the inside, her personality and her sense of humor. A woman has to believe in herself to be beautiful, it should not matter what others think, as long as she is happy with herself. A woman can be beautiful in the body and in the mind. There are thousands of girls who look great in a swimsuit. There are also thousands of girls who look great in a business suit. To me, all women are beautiful! Us guys, are ugly, :)!!

  6. Robin K says:

    I just love women. They are beautiful from the pout in their lips, to the curve of their hips and to their cute little toes. They are beautiful in the way they walk, talk, smell and feel. I have been blessed in that I have travelled to different parts of the world and met many different women of diverse cultures, but the same holds true for me that a woman who exudes confidence in who she is , what she does and how she enjoys life is the sexiest. It does not matter what the shade of her skin is, or the color and style of her hair or the size of her body, if she has a sense of humor, carries herself with dignity and is intelligent (which I find very sexy) then she is someone I would give myself whiplash over. And Heather, you said it perfectly when you described “Lazy Sexuality.”

  7. carol says:

    What makes a woman beautiful to me is her CONFIDENCE. A sense of humor and a very cury body does it for me too. I say this because these are the atributes i have too.

  8. Antoine Mazraany says:

    what makes woman beautiful, the way she walk like a model, take a good care of her look, elegant , wear high heels shoes, have some piercing and tattoo. have a great smile, smell clean, has small feet, and soft hands.

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